Tran Thu Ha: “I love poets who have worked very seriously and passionately…”

Συνεντεύξεις με ξένους λογοτέχνες. Σας παρουσιάζουμε την ποιήτρια Tran Thu Ha – Member of Vietnamese Writers’ Association από το Βιετνάμ

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Μεταφράστρια: Kieu Bich Hau

Her biography: LITERARY PRIZE

– Prize C by the National Committee of Vietnam Art Associations for the volume of poems “Self-rotating Earth” in 2010

– 2 awards of Ho Xuan Huong in the year 2005, 2015

– Certificate of Merit awarded by the Vietnam Writers’ Association in the contest on the subject of war martyrs 2017.

Please share your thoughts about the future of literature. When you start writing? To me, the nature of poetry is creativity. It is alo the process of constant striving from the past to the present. The poets are to enrich the language of the word, the language of the sacred temple is poetry. I am not looking for poetry, poetry is looking for me. Since my childhood, poetry and I had been entwined with each other from somewhere far away. Words and I had enchanted each other, I took refuge and stood up. From the early days of the war, I was a young lady in a literary troupe who brought poetry and sang to serve on the front lines.

The Good and the Bad. Who is winning in nowadays? I am not debating who is the winner today. Poetry with its sacred beauty and power is always enough to attract, lead, and bind many souls together, no matter wherever people are. Poetry is like aftershocks made me intoxicated and constantly created with sublimated emotions. I am always longing for a fair and civilized society where people can love each other with their hearts, people who are respected, free and happy to live in a clean environment.

Poetry is becoming more and more modern in expression and more diverse in aesthetic concepts. Poetry has made an important contribution to human life, and poetry only lasts and proliferates when people are faithfully in love with it. I love poets who have worked very seriously and passionately to overcome envious difficulties to bring more and more soaring poetic souls to readers.

How many books have you written? And where can we find your books? I have personally published six volumes of poetry and many volumes of poetry published with other friends including poetry books: Echo; Selected love poetry of Vietnam; Poetry and you; Flowers and earth. My poetry has been published in twelve countries around the world. It can be found on bookstores and found on amazon.

The book. E book or Hardcover book. What will be the future? In the future, e-books will attract more readers. Because at the present time, science and information technology is very developed, each person owns at least one electronic device and has access to extensive information, so it is easy to promote the image and poetry of the authors to the reader.

A wish for 2023. I wish that I and the words will be always enchanted each other, chattering passionately. I wish to sing the song that people can enter to the poem that can draw a painting of love in the harvest season… I wish that everybody can be happy and don’t worry!

A phrase from my poem. The woman who tries to slim herself. Pity for a tragedy stone the pain of petrified stone. A little revival to find myself again. I have heard the sound of unbroken the heart. I sang on the lips that used to cry. I cried on the lips that used to sing

And. I went to find myself. Lay face down at night listening to breathing leaf. The eyes of the garden at late night sneaked to the leaning dream. The smell of roasted corn was eager to desire the field. Cabbage was lustful and lusted for alluvial.

And I know. On a road longer than I thought. When – The heart knows enough. A little revival to find myself again.