Tapas Dey: Stream of metaphysics

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

The apodictic and meditative sun,
Looks rising in a graceful poise.
The flighty sea is seen,
Having his fling.
I can hear the susurration of the sea,
My inherent words of letters wake up,
And enjoying the festival of creations.
I discover my access to metaphor,
Far and wide, the nature offers me,
An inviting canvas.
Be it spring or winter,
I start drawing a floral garden.

When I touch all the innocent buds,
I see them blinking in the night sky,
And I dip into the stream of metaphysics.

O, sailor, my dear sailor

At foggy dawn, an old seagull,
Sitting on the mast of an old ship,
Keeps looking at the horizon.

He dreams of the ship,
Once left, getting back no more.

More than a decade,
He is willing to meet the sailor,
Who once saved him from death.

He is heard every morning,
Shouting, “O, sailor,
My dear sailor,
Will you not come back anymore?”

Bio: I’m Tapas Dey, living in a small town, Mathabhanga, India. I’m a teacher by profession and a poet by passion and an avid reader of poetry also. Many poems of mine have already been published in national and international magazines and anthologies, like ILA, Magazine, USA, Prodigy, Magazine, USA, Humanity, Magazine, Russia, The Best of 2020 and The Best of 2022, USA, Over the rainbow, Greece, Litterateur Redefining, India, The Himalayan Diary, Nepal and many more.
