Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Evil is offending, evil cataclysmic,
Hence mythological punishment for those who bring chaos back!
Chaos is not simple disorder,
chaos is much more,
Prometheus, the victim of injustice above,
your demand is justified,
for now, security has become the rapist,
No hope. Despair, despair.
An image is getting prominence on the horizon,
treading upon a Nation’s dream,
Bharat Mata is coming forward,
singing a song!
“Lo Lo! Despair, despair.
Backbone is the cheapest commodity, cheers!
How proud I am,
will sing the song,
till you come my sons.
Strip me off my honour,
my legs and hands are tied,
Lo Lo! Despair, despair.
Tear off my ring finger,
segregate my body parts,
come on, stab me,
take out my eyeballs,
for I have given birth to you, bastards.
Lo Lo! Despair, despair.
Heavily bleeding are my ears,
face, mouth and genitals,
Dear ones, do this favour,
break my thyroid cartilage,
throttle me to death.
Lo Lo! Despair, despair.
Old Sun is retired, stars are blind,
Come on my fearless sons,
you are free!”
Evil is offending, evil cataclysmic,
Yet Evil, thou are the Master of crores of minds!
Even gods do not dare to intervene,
when a party is elected for consecutive three times.
Who dares to speak?
Hush! India is celebrating Happy Independence Day,
and the Day special bonanza is,
yes, let me hear,
the superintendent says: ” Go, Make her”.
Ha! The eagle in confusion, wrongly eats up the genitals of Prometheus!
No hope. Despair, despair.
Tamali Neogi