Σας παρουσιάζουμε τον Sultan Muhammad Razzak, Ποιητή, Ακτιβιστή, από το Bangladesh
Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Please share your thoughts about the future of literature. In my thinking, we are going through the epoch of the 2nd renaissance both in culture and in science and technology. The reality is that science and technology grow very first, considering that other branches of culture such as literature from all countries or nations or clans are lagging behind. Philosophically science and technology are the branches of culture. I feel and believe that all creative expressions and actions are part of the culture. Nothing in this world outside of culture. We all know that the languages of the future will adapt to technology and even we cultural activists around the world are not very aware of it.

I think poets wrote so many poems about the moon for a thousand years, what will happen when people start living there on the moon after 5 years from now? I can feel the rapid changes in society; lifestyle, eating patterns, and business all over the world have to accommodate modern technology. Accordingly, the literary theme, language (words), and style of writing are going to be changed in the future. This cultural situation is the impact of the rise of modern technology. We have nothing to do because all changes come to meet the demand of running time. Finally, I would say, every cultural activist should accept and adjust to the changes of time.

When you start writing? Basically, I was born and raised in a culturally enlightened family. Drawing inspiration from my parents, grandparents, and other family members, my involvement in cultural events began at a very young age. I started at 10 years old.

The Good and the Bad. Who is winning in nowadays? On the eve of the Civilization Change, most people think evil wins. But think, we are going to achieve something good and we are still on the way. To opine on the question, we have to consider that the cultural environment is very different now from what it was in the past.

How many books have you written. Total so far 32.
And where can we find your books? Please find my book at the link below: https://archive.org/details/@sultanmuhammadrazzak
The book. E book or Hardcover book? What will be the future? Future is. E book

A wish for 2022. Be a culturally enlightened and peaceful human society and let send all war to the museum.
A phrase from your book. “Bless me with wings”

SULTAN MUHAMMAD RAZZAK (Ph.D, Litt.D) is born in 1959 in Bangladesh. He is introducing UNESCO Cultural Convention 2005 in Bangladesh. He completed professional degree “UNESCO Expert Leader (d’ Animator UNESCO)”. He is founder and former Vice-Chancellor of International Culture University. He is cultural organizer, playwright, poet, translator, literature editor, reciter, play director and culture related academic presenter. He has awarded nationally and internationally as playwright, academician, organizer and poet. Awarded title Shayer E Gulisthan.