Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Biography: Poet and writer Yahya Azeroğlu was born on 24/10/1955/ in Yukarı Topraklı village of Aralık district (between the foot of Ağrı Mountain and Aras River) of Iğdır province, which is the border bey of eastern Anatolia, as the second child of a large family of 11 people, and completed his primary and secondary education in Iğdır.
Later, Yahya Azeroğlu, who settled in Turgutlu district of Manisa with his family in 1970, dropped out of high school and went to Istanbul to enroll in Istanbul Kabataş High School.
When he could not enroll there either, he stayed in Istanbul for a long time. In time, he joined the Turkish Literature Foundation chaired by the writer Ahmet Kabaklı.
He worked at the Ülker biscuit factory there and also went to the Turkish Literature Foundation.
Yahya Azeroğlu, who received education in literature by attending conferences given by valuable scientists such as Osman Yüksel Serdengeçti, Niyazi Yıld