Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Ms. Til Kumari Sharma as Multi Award Winner in writing from international sector is from Bhorle- Hile, Paiyun 7, Parbat, West Nepal. Her parents are Mr. Hari Prasad Bashyal and Mrs Liladevi Bhusal / Bashyal. She has published many thousands of poems, some essays, and stories and other literary writings in International Magazines, groups and anthologies from ( amazon.com) Russia, America, England, Hong Kong, Greece, Philippines, Hungary, Brazil, Chile, Scotland, Indonesia, Bangladesh, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, North Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Spain, India, Nepal and many other countries. She is featured -poet and best -selling co-author too. She is world renowned poet now. She has got gold, silver and excellent award from different international groups of poetry.
Oho ! Nature:
Be kind to people.
Be precious to life.
Tears are falling to see Greece.
How harsh you are.
How cruel you become.
All people are dying by natural disaster.
Settlement is gone.
People are in pain and suffering.
City is destroyed.
Greece is in pain.
Oho ! nature please heal the wounded people.
Rub the tears of these people.
I am pained in the life to see them.
The life is finished there.
Be kind to people and beings.
Pause Your Destruction:
We feel nature as mother.
You are our life.
But often nature seems destroyer.
Bringing failure and tears.
Greece is in wound due to you.
You become mother to save them.
It is your creation.
The beings are in grave.
Settlement turns in grave.
Your destruction is very painful.
Be kind to those innocent people in Greece.
How do I request to you to pause destruction in Greece?
I am not only nationalist.
I am kind to people around world.
My tears are to them.
Please nature, pause your disaster in earth.
Be Kind:
Be loyal to human.
Be kind to those innocent people.
Be saver to earth to save them.
Heal their wound in heart.
Greece is in suffering.
Be medicine to those.
Help people in disaster.
Nature, be the kind mother for wounded people.
Please, listen my prayer to save people.
© Til Kumari Sharma
Parbat, Paiyun 7- Hile, Nepal
Now Kathmandu Kirtipur
Sept 10-2023