Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Translated to English: Sevil Gulten
Don’t hurt feelings of stone calling a cruel man as “stone”. There is a such stone centuries beat it, don’t touch that stone!
If you work for the stone, it will appreciate you,
There is such word if told to a stone, it will melt, heart won’t care it!
Those what a human being forgets, the memory of stone doesn’t forget,
There are those who throw stones unfairly, the unfair stone isn’t thrown.
Tell your dreams to the flowing waters and tell your secret to a black stone,
Stone- is your friend at the end of life and it is brother of your grave.
The locked doors were opened after we knocked them with stones,
The stones built our houses, stones run off from our ways.
My friend, strange man can’t bear to listen to our grief, but stones listen to,
Stones shed tears for the motion of life, stones whines for grief of life.
Some people earn money by cutting stones,
At the end we harden like stones, at times stones disgust us.
The leaves, flowers fade away and stones are left on the hearth
The stone of thousand years makes the history remember us.
Some will leave their traces, in this world
Some won’t be satisfied with anything.
A grave of somebody
Will mention about its owner,
A word of somebody
Will be left after somebody.
All will desire
To leave any word in this world.
The centuries will cause to forget them.
The false castles made of lies
Will be destroyed.
The people will know everything
They will reprobate after knowing.
The fires will be made
For the guilty past.
They will choose only the words
And will keep only them..
And ..and they will recognize me
From my love!