Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Silla Maria Campanini was born in 1954 in a village in the province of Bologna. Since she was a child, she has shown a strong attraction to the earth and color. Her artistic experiences range from technical consultancy to teaching. As an image educator, she has collaborated on painting and educational projects in public and private institutions.
In 2016, she became a member of the Department of Art and Culture of the Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade. She has been Vice President and Advisor of the WRITERS CAPITAL FOUNDATION since 2021. She currently holds the role of Global Art Coordinator for the Writers Capital Foundation at PIAF, International Festival of Visual Arts and Literature, for the period 2021-2024.
A member of the Munir Mezyed International Foundation for Arts and Culture, Silla maintains numerous international relationships, recognizing in art a value of peace and brotherhood. She writes poems and stories published in Italy and abroad, and is considered one of the contemporary soul poets. His works are exhibited in galleries, museums and public and private institutions, and can be found in numerous books and art catalogues
Letting Go
Letting go, I no longer know what it is if not a gift that slips away, in the ungrateful whirl of silences and thoughts, counterpoints of incongruities. Who am I to prevent your will? Who, if not a lover who will lose the beloved? The book will weep for its page and I will weep for you.
The answer is written in the silent notes dissolved in destiny, in that tangle of thoughts I do not even know. The sensation of your skin burns, the brushing of lips. Restless words seek peace in a starless sky.
My dear, the heart does not surrender, wrapped in the dreams of the night that tremble anxiously. I will let you go, I will face the sea of the unexpected and the neural disarray of pain, I will move away in silence, embracing memories. Even if the storm’s dimension is not clear.
In a world of facades and smiles,
Where truths are lost in compromises.
Hypocrisy reigns supreme,
In a theater of shadows, vain.
They feign virtues, hide sins,
Behind masks of immaculate saints.
Sweet words, gentle gestures,
But in their hearts, subtle intentions.
Empty promises float in the air,
While actions whisper the truth.
The hypocrite plays a double game,
An actor in his empty theater.
But the truth, like the sun, rises,
And hypocrisy dissolves in the light.
For in the end, no matter how deep,
The true self always comes to light.
Intertwined Souls: The Guardian of Dawn
We are intertwined souls,
With shoes worn from invisible paths,
Scattered among hidden truths faded by time,
But revealed to the ear,
In the dawn’s light,
Between sleep and wakefulness;
Shared stories unravel like grandmothers’ threads,
In the clasped hands of seeking souls.
Facts and words merge into a song
That resonates in weary hearts and tearful nights,
Like a call from home.
Laughter and tears blend together,
And like leftover chips, they become
fragments of memories and expectations.
We release our grasp, yet still anchored,
In the silence of the world,
We breathe the incense of the soul,
Offering prayers of gratitude and hope.
The heart is aflame, a sacred fire,
Burning in anticipation of dawn,
Between the awe and wonder of the self,
And the consciousness of existing beyond time.
We wear the garment of love,
Without judgment,
And in the shadow of secrets,
In that intrigue of souls,
We celebrate revelations.
Beyond the Veil
In the quiet of a park,
Enveloped by twilight,
The echo of voices resonates.
Memories ripple like leaves,
A flow of feelings,
Emotions glowing with warmth.
Nature is the sublimation of the soul,
A dream of love and fantasy,
To be sipped every day.
Days follow days,
As do the seasons of life,
Which pass one by one.
Existence is an illusion,
Of events, encounters, feelings,
Dancing between light and shadow.
The sweetness of memories kisses regret,
In the essence of existence,
The illusion sails.
Beyond the veil,
Love reveals itself,
The ultimate purpose,
An eternal becoming of peace and harmony.
And the ascent is like a song,
From earth to sky,
Beyond the veil.