Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Biography: Shurouk Hammoud: a Syrian poetess and literary translator.
She has seven published poetry collections, in addition; excerpts of her poetry that have been published in many poetry anthologies around the world.
Award winner of many international poetry awards:
Charles Baudelaire first prize for poetry creativity, 2018
Sylvia Plath medal for writing poetry 2017
Jack Kerouac poetry merit award 2016
Arthur Rimbaud merit diploma for writing poetry, 2015
Nazik al Malieka literary prize for writing poetry 2012
Naji Namman international literary prize for writing poetry 2014
Her poetry has been translated into 18 languages.
I clean my voice
I clean my voice
From love vocabulary
I cut the nails of yearning
One by one
And color my lips with the red color
Of the blood that came out of them
I scatter the letters of waiting
Placing a letter before or after another
Then laugh joyfuly with my victory over its fragile sound,
Its dots which got scattered like beads of a rosary I got bored of
I clean my voice from passion’s roses
Those walk every day towards their death
In a book
That is why I shorten the road for them
Crumble them ,wither them in the eyes of futility
My ancient friend
I clean my voice from kisses, hugs ,from desire
From every thing that cut its vocal cords
Out of yearning’ stammering.
I clean my voice from love vocabulary;
The night bites my Adam’s apple
Turning me dumb.
Farewells implant cold in the fingers
With plows of flesh and wine
Farewells burn eyes blinking
So dashes keep them stray like a widow’s
Farewells are winds
Whose breathes ‘whistling has no specific season
The breathes those deafen the soul
Left coma’s dress
To abash serenity
Farewells are myrtle
Whose flabby of repetition color
Stutters on the tombstones of our memories
Farewells are the time’s tacky poems,
Flutes whose holes have been filled
So the air got exploded of salt
Farewells will never be like anything
Farewells are deaths
That master all languages!
Evil paradise
Give me a reason to be delighted,
This evil paradise Where I live
Makes my heart as black as fear.
My soul that is hanged on a wall
Nothingness paint approaches its halo
Refuses to break up with me
Oppression reached its peaks
Something is burning inside me
Like nostalgia papers
Give me a reason to stay
Homelands choke with their fetuses
Throw them into exiles
frost rules us with a steel mace,
Troy slept to the sound of neighing
Love withered like flowers so fast
Does universe has enough mornings
To pull our darkness as a rug,
wiping up our nakedness with its hands’ glitter
Give me an answer to relieve
O love
Aim the arrow of your gods at me
I might resurrect again
Or just die of pureness.