Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
A luminous muse, a beacon of inspiration,
Illuminating in the labyrinth of life casts its glow,
Upon the winding corridors of existence elegantly,
Beneath the mild elegance of the mother’s steps,
Lies the tranquil sanctuary of paradise,
Serenity unfurls in the wake of her graceful shade,
Within the gentle sway of a mother’s stride,
Graciously unfolds in heaven sacred abode,
Symbol of patience a strength against life’s storms,
Strokes of compassion grace life’s canvas,
On tapestry woven with threads of her resilience,
A mirror reflects the depths of the human soul,
Enriching the lives beyond measure of love,
Reveals the inner essence in the eyes of mother,
Amidst the celestial realms of angelic wings,
Cuddles the soft caress of a mother’s love,
A flame burning brightness in darkest hours,
Nestled in sanctuary for rest and renewal,
Enshrines within the oasis of respite,
A cradle in the arms of heaven’s refuge,
where spirits are revitalized and
chaos surrenders to harmony,
All tender aspirations take root and flourish,
Roaming within the tranquil nook of companionship,
Seek haven within the secure alcove of unity,
And bonds are forged and fortified,
Drifting within the secure cove of compassion,
In the lap of mother empathy guides interaction,
Amidst a mosaic of forms, beauty reveals itself,
Vulnerably discovering solace in the tenderness of mother,
where worries evaporate like morning dew.
Sajid Hussain from Pakistan ©