Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Guinness World Records holder,
Bilingual Global Poet, Motivational Author, Rhymer, Translator, Presenter, Global Peacemaker Doctorate, World Symbols of Peace, Global Peace Ambassador & Many Awards wining writer. His works are translated into 38 International Languages & published in National newspapers, magazines of Bangladesh. And also published in various International literary Journals, Magazines, Anthology, Newspapers of 60 countries. He has 22 joint poetry books, two own poetry books one is manuscripts award winning ‘ Ekti Tarjonir Isara ‘ another is ‘ Sapno Uran ‘ and editing a literary magazine ‘ kittinasar kirtti ‘. He thinks Poetry has no borders, lets poetry wins poets are wins.
Oh Lord…
Sabyasachi Nazrul
Oh Lord..
I have cultivated paddy in your land.
I have also cultivated onion, garlic, ginger and tomatoes in another land.
I cultivated fish in the pond and gourds in entresol by the pond.
Good yield,
I got good paddy in the field.
I packed one years worth of paddy to eat with my family and sold fifty maunds.
I am well in Your mercy.
Oh Lord..
there is no shortage,
O Allah guide me to the path of light.
I drink your water to cool my soul.
I walk through the valley alone in the dark.
I fear no evil..
I’m not alone,
O Allah you are with me.
O owner
I feel your presence in me.
Accept my prostration,
I feel lonely and find you.
I’m happy even though I’m sad,
I prays my Salat.
I praise you, sing your song sing your praise.
According to your law the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
The universe is running by your grace,
My joys are illuminated by the moonlight.
The sea ice melts into the Ocean.
It evaporates and returns to the mountains.
Oh Lord..
So beautiful world, sky, sun, moon, wind, caves, rivers, seas, mountains, saptorshi mondal, graha nakshatra,
Eighteen thousand species(maklukat), ninety-six thousand species of plants, animals, birds, flowers, fruits, green trees, young vines, aquatic animals, aquatic plants, forests, meadows, sweet drinking water, birds singing all are your gift.
Your soirit is in my Heart
Help me..
I came alone and there was nothing,
I will leave again.
I will leave everything and go alone…