Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
My biography: Rachida Belkacem, born in Hauts-de France, resident in Ile-de-France, graduate in occupational health at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, invested for a few years in the world of culture in France and Morocco. radio, was decorated with the Hauts insignia of the Divine Académie in Paris in 2018. In 2020, she is a member of the jury for the literary prize “D’ailleurs et ici” when it was created by Marc Cheb Sun. She publishes her novel “La revolt of secrets ”in January 2020 and collaborates on the book“ Morocco of what are we afraid ”under the direction of Abdelhak Najib and Noureddine Bousefiha Editions Orion. In 2021, she is also a member of the jury of the “ARS International Poetry Prize in Versi” (in collaboration with the cultural association of Rome, the Art Gallery space in Brussels, the network of Arts and Letters of Brussels, Captaloona Art Gallery of Madrid and the magazine en Alternance de Munich.) It publishes a collection of Phronésis poetry available on Mindset Editions and Amazon in July 2021. (illustrations Ilham Laraki Omari artist painter)
«Nos cœurs sont pleins de printemps, vivre est une prière que seul l’union des hommes peut exaucer» Rachida Belkacem
“Our hearts are full of spring, living is a prayer fulfilled only through men’s union”
«Le ciel n’est pas sans mémoire, nos vies l’emplissent de notre courage intense et notre humanité» Rachida Belkacem
“The sky is not without memories, our lives fill it with intense courage and humanity”
«Tu naquis le jour de mon crépuscule,
La lueur éclairant mon chemin,
Me tendant la main,
Faisant éclore d’un geste les fleurs,
Transformant chaque combat,
Par ta présence épurant le monde,
Le transformant en bénédiction divine»
“You are born the day of my dusk,
The light shining on my path,
Handing me your hand,
Making flowers blossom with a gesture,
Transforming every combat,
Purifying the world through your presence
And transforming it to a divine blessing”