Purbasha Mondal
Assistant Professor of English Saltora Netaji Centenary College India
Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Purbasha Mondal is an award-winning poet, writer and academic from Kolkata, India. She works as an Assistant Professor of English at Saltora Netaji Centenary College (affiliated to Bankura University). She was the recipient of International Global Award 2021. She won Wegrow Academic Excellence Award, International Women’s Day Achiever Award 2021, Education Excellence Award 2021, Social Activist of the Year Award, HUMANITARIAN AND PEACE AWARD, Honorary Doctorate Degree, Nazrul Smriti Puroskar, International Earth Saviour’s Award 2021, Honorary High Degree, Dr. B. R. AMBEDKAR 130th BIRTH ANNIVERSARY MEMORIES AWARD 2021 etc. She is also a literary critic and translator.
Her poems, stories and articles have been published in Paradise on Earth: An International Anthology, The Literary Parrot, Jednak Ksiazki, Polis Magazino, Dalit Sahitya-Charcha, Matua Sahitya Parikrama, Neer Ritupatra, Paschimbanga Dalit Sahitya Academy Patrika, Path Sanket, Chaturtha Duniya, Apatoto Budbud, Loukik, Ghorsowar, Faguner Gulal etc.
Her poems have been translated into English, Bengali and French by Prof. Robert Sinclair and Dr. Asit Biswas. She is one of the editorial board members of Chaturtha Duniya. She has read her poem, “Matua” in Paper Fiber Fest in 2022. She was invited to recite her poetry in various literary associations in India and abroad. She has participated in Carlos Hugo Garrido Chalen International Festival, Paper Fiber Fest, Jeanette Tiburcio Marquez International Festival and Fco Xavier Ramirez Sanchez International Festival in 2023. She was felicitated by the world-famous critic, Prof. Bill Ashcroft in 2020. She can be reached at [email protected].
Divine Message by Purbasha Mondal
Staring at the bow of rainbow
our green bamboo takes his bath
in muddy oil
mingling with shadows
of Hari.
In Harisabha
the moving bodies
of gosains circle
their love
with drops of mercy.
In Harisabha
there are enemies
embracing each other
with their noisy tears
of prayer.
In Harisabha
let men and women play
their flute of sacrifice
with crying dog.
Innocent winds shake pagal’s hairs
kissing pain of others.
We are awake
with the quiet moon.
White eyes of star start blinking
when the sound-streams of kirtan
touch his shade of soul.
Here comes the morning
through the unlocked rhythm of kartal.
Hearing Shantimata’s Words
red wing of Nishan flies.
Hari Matua God
Gosains Saints
Harisabha Gathering of Matua Devotees
Kartal A musical instrument
Kirtan Song for God
Nishan Flag of Matuas
Pagal Matua devotee
Shantimata Matua Goddess
পূর্বাশা মণ্ডল
স্তব্ধতা দিয়ে বাঁধা
তোমার চোখের কনীনিকা
পরাশর স্মৃতি থেকে মনুস্মৃতি
শাস্ত্র, শুধুই ছিটিয়ে গেছে
অবজ্ঞার ধূসর কালি
নারী, তুমি তো শুধুই শুদ্রাণী!
আজ যদি ইন্দ্রদেবকে প্রশ্নবাণে বিদ্ধ করি
রজঃস্বলা অহল্যার নগ্নতনুতে কেন রক্তনদী?
অম্বা, অম্বিকা, অম্বালিকা
দেখি অশ্বমেধের যজ্ঞে
এতো সাজসজ্জা!
কে জানতো কপালে তোমাদের
অশ্বের সাথে ফুলশয্যা!
এ কি পেট্রিয়ার্কির তর্জমা!
যুগের মলাটে
কালের ললাটে
যন্ত্রণাকে মেখেছো
সারা গায়ে
আপন করে।
দোপদির যোনিতে
রক্ষকের উদ্ধত লিঙ্গ
তলোয়ারের ফণার মতো বেঁধে।
এই দোপদিরাই রক্তগঙ্গায় স্নান করে
হারিয়ে দেয় দ্রৌপদীদের বারে বারে।