Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Biography: Neven Dužević, poet and singer-songwriter, Zagreb, Croatia, 21.01.1965.
During his career he published three books of poetry, and 3 albums of rock music with his lyrics and melodies. Sometimes he works music on oath poet lyrics…
If love happens
It will be my fault
It will be your fault too
Love takes two, everyone knows that
If love happens
It will be our fault
It will be the fault of everyone who allowed us
Love takes two
It takes two for war
It’s an old habit
I’m talking to you baby
Like a sister’s brother
She hates it
Capo son letter
Like a fish in a net
From poled jusikas
Everything was like from heaven
But she was tiny
They press into that grid
Capo son letter
For dinner
Clean her bones
Cut off the head
Male hiti rap
Lipa love letter
Make a dream come true
Jubov di whatever heats through the stumka
Only then did it pass through the heart
Capo san letter like a fish in a net
One small love letter
Would you like to take her out to dinner with me?
Don’t ask me anything
Because I won’t say much
Don’t ask me a bit
Because for a moment we care about time
Don’t ask me, I’ll wear black
Maybe for the sake of the game I’ll lie next to you
Don’t ask if I don’t tell
Why the river must flow