Poems by Natalie Bisso

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

NATALIE BISSO is a poet, novelist, essayist, and songwriter. Author of 13 books, co-author of 180 anthologies. The poems have been translated into 40 languages of the world. Honorary Figure of World Literature and Arts.  Founder and President of the International Literary Association “Creative Tribune“. Academician of three Academies of Literature, Honorary member of many international Union of Writers, Ambassador of the World. Awarded with Diplomas of the Laureate, medals and orders, including under the auspices of Unesco.


Getting into a virtual country,
Where everyone enters, but remains invisible,
We change to real feelings
That’s all we have to repent about.

Take care of your heart and souls!
Don’t give unspent feelings!
Cover your ears from flattery!
Only live real people!


Show me the right way,
And save us from lies and revenge,
Let there be no place for flattery in us,
And let there be no resentment in us.

So that anger does not take hold of us,
And we did not know despondency,
So that we don’t become boring,
We would like to do good deeds.

So as not to get sick with pride,
So that envy doesn’t eat us up,
So that the soul does not suffer from everything,
Give us the strength to overcome her.

And save me from greed,
And from sinful fornication too,
If we judge ourselves more strictly the steps of life will become easier.

Continuing his mortal path,
I will only think about the eternal.
I don’t want to be considered careless.
Isn’t that the point of life?

Help me to atone for my sins!
God save us and save us!
Because we can become better,
Turning verses into prayer.


What is love and happiness?
How this question torments everyone!
How to feel overnight
Subtle feelings and nectar, and anesthesia.

To make a chill run through your skin,
To make your eyes shine in the night,
To make the heart feel younger,
When the music of happiness sounds.

Of course I know the answers!
You love me, I love you.
I am warmed by you and the feeling,
And I catch the words like a prayer.

And your kisses, caresses
Illuminate all the worlds in me,
I’m drawing a sweet fairy tale,
I collect gifts of dreams.

But I love you more,
And I give you a bright holiday of the soul,
If it hurts you, it hurts me more,
If it’s sweet for you, I’m in silence.

Is it possible not to be happy
If happiness lives in me!?
Do not scatter feelings playfully,
Letting go of the free flight.

Let the ancient law be known
Only two or you alone:
To be completely happy
It is very important too to love!

Natalie Bisso

Президент Международной Литературной Ассоциации “Творческая Трибуна”(МЛАТТ), Руководитель Германского Отделения СПСА, Академик,

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FB: https://www.facebook.com/natali.bisso/
VK: https://vk.com/natalirubisso
ОК: https://ok.ru/natalie.bisso
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@natalibisso/featured 
