Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Bio: Nasser AlShaikhAhmed is a SAUDI ARABIAN poet who writes poetry in Arabic and English. Went to school at Sonoma State University in California, USA. Although his field of study is far away from literature but his soul is immersed in poetry and writing.
He is a member of: All Poetry.com, Soul Asyloum Poetry Radio, IPF- Anthology Publishing, Poets Without Borders, Voracious Polyglots. He has translated from English to Arabic several poetry works for poets from USA, Japan and Australia and published his translation in local journals. He has published one poetry book in Arabic(العرافة، ara’fa) in 2013 by (Arabian house for science and publishing).

An angel in my front yard
Outside, up in the sky , the stars were so bright.
So, worried in my bed, I could not sleep that night.
I looked out through my window glass.
I noticed a movement on the grass.
Darkness was creeping into my room.
I felt like brushing lights with a broom.
With all the bounties I have in hand.
Happiness seemed so for to land.
I saw figures appear and then fade.
There was someone out there. I can see a shade.
It was an old man. The man had no home
Squatted like he was waiting for the dome
He raised up and on his feet he stood
Trying to look as strong as he could
What have I done to deserve this?
Should I help or should I be careless?
Shall I neglect him? I couldn’t dare
For I would be hunted by a nightmare
I could behave bluntly and invent a lie.
But a man doesn’t know when he will die.
Something like a revelation poked my heart.
Made me pause for a moment, then restart
I rushed with a pillow and a cover.
May he need them or may he never
I was confused, so I brought him in.
For he might be the key, the key to heaven.
Deeper in my soul I began to realize
Blessings to be shared not to monopolize
Now the man was so satisfied.
He smiled and looked at me with pride.
He turned into a butterfly
And flew off the window so high
He was very happy flying around.
With sparkling lights that touched the ground
Flapped his wings and waved goodbye
It was an angel that came by.
On the wings of love
Towards the North
My aspiration whiffle
I am a love bird
That lodges in your eye.
Wheat spikes are welcoming
Doves that are hovering on top of
Canopies of trees that celebrate
The bridesmaid of fragrance and dance
Like lovers dancing under a full moon in the sky.
In a night written by the hand of fate
Before dawn breaks in, the time of magic
Where love is proclaimed and fears die.
A revelation on liquid lips
Extending grape groves
Casting refrains resting from fatigue
The pleasure of romance is like pure wine
Running in my veins, I felt high.
On the wings of love she carries my heart
The scent of lavender fills her
And weaving dreams from the sun’s rays
Is searching for warmth in a fondness atmosphere
And interacting in space where love and angles fly.

A Hole in the Maze
Can the truth trickle against the wall of love?
Can the violet raise her heart over the hills
To reveal her hidden secrets?
She laid her head on my shoulder
While I ran my fingers through her silky hair
Imagine how the mind could be in a state of illusion
My night had gone crazy like a fire in a forest
Words flew when I tried to feel them
And a fountain of speech flooded my mouth
I prepared my tricks to fool my imagination
Pretended to walk on threads of fortune like an adventurer
And rock the ascenders as an inspiration
I had nothing in my childhood to be extorted
Except for a clay board and a ray of light
That comes out shining when I stumble
Lonely tears descended
I spun from the dizzying effects
And as she vintaged my despair
I broke free by a hole in the maze.
On The Edge Of The Wind
It seems to me sometimes
She heard me loving her
Or she heard me
Whispering in her heart .
My memory is still gravid
With many details
And still the scene bears
Perfume as morning breath
Dreams are bigger than to be dropped by
The functioning of the illusion.
Every time light penetrates your window
It would be I on the edge of the wind
Breathing you.
Violets script me
As poem on the chest of your night
That is Infatuated by rhyme desired love
Which arranges the narrative categorically in your silence and Fugue.
We would meet on leaning of my ports
And pulse of my sailing eyelashes
With lapis lazuli returning from exile
Keel loaded with breathless Lister
Moment in the veins of the place.
You would be entertained with bird’s twits
On the balcony of the morning
While the gulls are waking up
Nothing resembles the sound of wave
And the liquefied salt on the foam tale.
The Oak leaves
O rhymes of winter
I read the words
While the wormwood leans on the desert.
Oh dry desert wormwood
Come to stay on my court
And provide us with fire
Make us share the rain
And make us share the cold.
Oh guardian of the wind
Stop the wind from blowing and brutling our faces
And causing our cheeks to bleed.
We shall stay forever and together
Singing the rhymes of winter
While our bodies are warming up in the sills of the evening.
My crazy covets tonight will be spilled
On the yellow Oak leaves
And melt your heart.