Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
I love you without touching your hair.
I love you without kissing you.
I love you beyond a body.
I love you with feelings, emotions and reason.
I love you, because you have resurrected my life and soul.
You are my motivation
Every morning is an achievement, a battle won.
Every night is a chance to be reborn.
Every breath, every rest and every start is a star won.
In this beautiful race we call life.
Laskiaf Amortegui
copyright reserved
Peace is taking out my inner demons and facing them.
Peace is accepting that I must come into harmony by being aware of my weaknesses.
Peace is not keeping thorns in my heart left by others.
Peace is to laugh, to be patient and tolerant of others.
Peace is to manage my emotions and feelings, so as not to make my body sick.
Laskiaf Amortegui
copyright reserved
I drank water with rage and I almost drowned
I drank water slowly and remembered the good and the bad about me
I drank hot water and burned my speaking tongue
I drank cold water and refreshed my being, my mind and my soul.
I drank herbal water and my liver and intestines were grateful.
I drank salt water and freed my being.
I swam in the sea and my child was happy.
The crystals in the sky thundered.
The rain kissed me and I ran like a child through the puddles.
I sucked ice and learned that I must be cautious to enjoy.
As I suck on the ice, I am aware that I can get burnt.
So must I do with my life, even if, at times, I think… that I will fail…
Laskiaf Amortegui
copyright reserved
Seudónimo: Laskiaf Amortegui
Nombre: Martha Janet Torres Amortegui
Lugar de residencia: Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Nacionalidad: colombiana
Correo electrónico: [email protected] Móvil:+573138895604
Amortegui es graduada en cosmetología, es poeta, novelista, locutora, voz off. Las letras junto con su familia son sus amores y pasiones para afrontar cada reto existencial. Autora de la novela “La Jaula De Las Mariposas”, de tinte dramático que cuenta la historia de cinco mujeres y su entorno, ha ocupado por un año el top de las novelas más leídas en su género en Amazon.es. A la hora de escribir se enfrenta a su mayor rival: su dislexia, pero al final, si no fuera por ella, no sería escritora, y a su mentor que la animó a publicar sus letras, que le han otorgado: premios, reconocimientos y triunfos a nivel internacional, varias de sus letras han sido traducidas y publicadas en otros idiomas.