Poems by Maja Milojković from Serbia

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Keys to the Universe

If you are kind and don’t ask for anything in return
If someone else’s success makes you happy like your own
If you control and manage to convert anger, envy and jealousy, so that they don’t go against yourself, and you conquer your mind again and again, happiness smiles at you.
The keys of heaven are not unattainable, in the sky above, everything on Earth is visible and meaningful to those who have the sight to see more clearly.
There is a large and living organism where every part is equally important.
Whoever extends a hand of respect without expecting fame and earthly recognition, everything comes as a gift anyway and not because of personal merit, will be celebrated among people.
The keys to the Universe exist, not to be selfishly hidden in a pocket, but to open the doors of many locked hearts with them.

Maja Milojković Serbia

Ključevi Univerzuma

Ako si ljubazan i ne tražiš ništa zauzvrat
Ako te obraduje tuđi uspeh kao svoj
Ako kontrolišeš i uspeš da preobratiš ljutnju, zavist i ljubomoru, da ne idu protiv tebe samog, i iznova pobeđuješ svoj um, sreća ti se osmehuje.
Nisu nebeski ključevi nedohvatljivi, na nebu gore, sve je tu na Zemlji vidljivo i sa smislom ko ima pogled kojim jasnije vidi .
Postoji veliki i živi organizam gde je svaki delić jednako važan.
Ko pruža ruku poštovanja bez da očekuje slavu i zemaljska priznanja, sve ionako dolazi kao dar a ne zbog lične zasluge, biće slavljen među ljudima.
Ključevi Univerzuma postoje, ne da budu sebično u dzep sakriveni, već da sa njima otvaramo vrata mnogih zaključanih srca.

Bio: Maja Milojković was born in 1975 in Zaječar, Serbia.
She lives and works in Denmark. Profession -Laboratory assistant, painter and reviewer. 
An internationally recognized poet who advocates for peace in the world.
As a poet, she is represented in numerous domestic and foreign literary newspapers, anthologies and electronic media, and some of her poems can be found on YouTube.
Author of two books of poems:
“Moon Circle”
“Trees of Desire”
She is a member of the International Society of Writers and Artists “Mountain Views” in Montenegro, she is also a member of the Poetry Club “Area Felix” in Serbia
