Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Mετάφραση: Byeong Cheol Kang
Lee, Hee Kuk is a Korean poet. Born in Seoul city of South Korea. He is Pharmacist and Adjunct Professor of College of Pharmacy, The Catholic University of Korea. He is a member of Executive of PEN Korean Center of PEN International. He published 5 poetry books. He won 4 Literature awards.
Halt station
By Lee, Hee Kuk
Several layers of silence lie like railroad sleeper tie
This place
Time which does not look back
There is only a disappearing direction to look at for a long time
When the railroad track bent into a corner,
the corner of the sky is torn apart,
the space is wet
Season of deafness,
time is deaf
The expression of spring that has come back from a long way,
yellow on the railroad
At what point did the folded heart transfer?
Those who left never returned
Azaleas from the back mountain wave red hands
Another person passes by at the halt station of memories
There is a wrinkled time that do not straighten out
몇 겹의 고요가 침목처럼 깔려있다
뒤를 돌아보지 않는 시간과
오래도록 바라보는 사라진 방향만 있다
철길이 모퉁이로 휘어지던 그 때
하늘의 귀퉁이가 우두둑 뜯어지고
허공이 다 젖었다
난청의 계절
시간은 귀가 어두워
먼 길 한 바퀴 돌아온 봄의 표정이
철길에 노랗다
접힌 마음은 어느 지점에서 환승했을까
떠난 이들은 아무도 돌아오지 않았다
뒷산 진달래가 붉은 손을 흔들고
기억의 간이역으로 또 누군가 스쳐간다
펴지지 않는 주름진 시간도 있다

By Lee, Hee Kuk
A bridge to the island is built,
people crossed the sea on foot
When I was young, there was a teacher like grand bridge,
he was my bridge
Parents used return to home late at night,
I stayed in the classroom and read until dark
The day it snowed outside the window,
warm hands wrapped around my shoulders
Korean language teacher,
he took my hand and led me to the office and home
A flower that bloomed in a remote corner, caressing it
The love that made me ride on his shoulders,
It was a bridge Which connects winter to spring
Outside the window, it snows like that day
Cars which biting their tails light up the darkness pass Yeongjong Bridge
The road which is over the sea is bright
섬으로 가는 다리가 놓이고
사람들은 걸어서 바다를 건넜다
어린 시절 그런 대교 같은 선생님은
나의 다리였다
밤늦게 집으로 돌아오시던 부모님
나는 어둑할 때까지 교실에 남아 책을 읽었다
창밖에 눈이 내리던 날
어깨를 감싸는 따뜻한 손,
내 손을 잡고 교무실로, 집으로 데려가주셨다
외진 구석에 피어있던 꽃, 어루만지며
목말까지 태워 주신 사랑은
겨울에서 봄을 이어주는 다리였다
창밖에는 그날처럼 눈이 내리고
꼬리를 문 차들이 어둠을 밝히며 영종대교를 지나고 있다
바닷물 위에 길이 환하다