Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Μετάφραση: Byeong Cheol Kang
Kim, Sun-jin is a Korean poet, novelist, essayist, critic and editor. He is an Executive of The Korean Writers Association and PEN Korean Center. He is a lecturer of KOREA University Institute for Education. He published 17books.
About Sun By Kim, Sun-jin
The sun knows how to burn without smoke,
Sky which burned during the day became dark in the night
Because, sun knows how to burn without smoke,
Thunder in the dry sky
The sun knows how to burn without tears,
Deep sorrow finally brings showers
The sun knows how to burn brightly every day,
It burns lazily and winter comes
The sun knows how to burn itself,
Using vigor as fuel, people grow old
Even though, the sun knows how to burn recklessly,
Carefully light a fire to sprout fresh spring buds