Kang, Byeong-Cheol (writer, poet, translator, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science)
Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Kang Byeong-Cheol is a Korean author, poet, translator, and holder of a Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science degree. He was born in Jeju City, South Korea in 1964, and began his writing career in 1993. His first short story, “Song of Shuba,” was published when he was twenty-nine years old.
In 2005, Kang published a collection of short stories and has since won five literature awards, publishing over eight books in total. He was a member of The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International from 2009 to 2014. From 2018 to 2022, he served as Secretary General of the Jeju Unification Education Center. Prior to that, he was a Specially Appointed Professor at Jeju International University from 2016 to 2018, a Research Professor at Chungnam National University National Defense Institute from 2013 to 2016, a Senior Researcher at the Society of Ieodo Research from 2010 to 2017, and CEO of Online News Media Jejuin News from 2010 to 2013.
Kang also worked as an editorial writer for NewJejuIlbo, a newspaper in Jeju City, Korea. Currently, he holds the position of Research Executive at The Korean Institute for Peace and Cooperation.
Roses Blooming on the Fence
Roses blooming on the fence,
With shine of pink and vibrant red,
Competing yet harmonious,
Humanity, a mysterious being, has forgotten the wisdom of peace.
Oh, May’s beautiful roses, how shall we
Recall the memory of peace and achieve harmony?
We must listen to each other’s opinions,
Respect and understand one another,
Through dialogue and empathy,
We must pave the path to peace and harmony,
I don’t want to hear about the war news anymore
By forgiveness and tolerance,
Resolving conflicts and embracing cooperation,
Let the rose vines find harmony,
Reminding us of the wisdom of peace.
Through education and awareness,
Planting seeds of peaceful values and actions,
Let us strive for peace,
Just as the roses bestow their beauty.
As diverse colors of roses unite,
Creating a greater beauty to behold,
Let us remember that harmony and peace
Are gifts that nature presents,
O May’s roses blooming on the fence,
That is the harmonious gift of nature we embrace.
담장의 장미
울타리에 피어난 장미,
핑크빛과 강렬한 빨간빛을 뿜어내네
경쟁적이면서도 조화로운,
신비한 존재인 인류는 평화의 지혜를 잊었지.
오, 5월의 아름다운 장미여, 우리는 어떻게
평화의 기억을 떠올리며 화합을 이룰까?
서로의 의견을 들어야 하고,
서로 존중하고 이해하며,
대화와 공감을 통해
우리는 평화와 화합의 길을 닦아야지
더는 전쟁의 소식을 듣고 싶지 않아
용서와 관용으로,
갈등을 해결하고 협력을 포용하며,
장미 덩굴이 조화를 찾게 하시고,
평화의 지혜를 일깨워주네.
교육과 인식을 통해,
평화로운 가치와 행동의 씨앗을 심고,
평화를 위해 힘쓰자,
장미가 아름다움을 선사하듯이.
다양한 색의 장미가 어우러지면서
더 큰 아름다움을 창조하고,
그 조화와 평화를 기억하자
자연이 주는 선물,
울타리에 피어난 오월의 장미여,
그것이 우리가 품는 자연의 조화로운 선물이지.