Poems by Kalipada Ghosh

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

THE VISION OF A WOMAN by Kalipada Ghosh

In a Spring afternoon
while wandering  aimlessly
like a vagrant
approached by the river TISTA.

The Sun was about to sink
in the Western horizon with crimson hues
and  a message to the humanity.

Methinks,the river is like a woman
with exceeding beauty and charm
letting loose her bosom in her rippling waves
with loving , caressing and embracing
like a beloved with her lover.

I saw a vision in the twilight.

My heart touches the illuminated vision
of an angelic and enchanting beauty
my depressed heart begins rejuvenating
spirits energized…
The vision of a beautiful woman
blowing a conch with blessings.

A heavenly bliss in solitude
A Serene luminous and divine light
diffusing brilliance aura and aroma.

My entity and soul plunge
into deep silence and quietude
greeting and enjoying the divine
serenity in sacred and solemnized
ambience of ETERNITY…

Copyright reserved@ Kalipada Ghosh WB, India. 01.04.2020.

TIME AND MEMORIES by Kalipada Ghosh

Time will slowly pass
leaving behind the fond memories
And sometimes live permanently.
The waves of the turbulent ocean  dancing in glee
The foamy surges predicting the ups and downs of life
The sea gull flying over head
Children’s smiles and lady love’s beauty
A sublime realisation.
At a distance, morning prayer in the  church and mosque
The holy rites in the temple
All are time- bound.

Our past life twisting and swinging
Our sweet love reminiscing.
The flow of life and memories thus glided by .

The sand beach is printed with our celestial love.
The memory of the ancient Ankorvat Temple
Where we visited once
Surrendering our souls.
A divine ecstasy and cosmic beauty and fragrance.
The sweet fragrance of lotuses, lilies in the morning lake
The hues of the setting sun
A Perfect sacredness and sanctity
All remaining in our hearts
Time cannot consume
All sweet reminiscences.

All rights reserved @ Kalipada Ghosh,WB, India.
