Μετάφραση και επιμέλεια Jeannete Eureka Tiburcio
Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Είμαστε ευγνώμονες στην dra Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio, Πρόεδρο της διεθνούς ένωσης mil mEntes Por Mexico. Ο πιο γνωστός και σημαντικός τραγουδοποιός, ποιητής Juan Carreón Pag Llena κατ’ αποκλειστικότητα στο περιοδικό Polisfreepres. Περιοδικό Web Portal στην Ελλάδα βραβευμένο, με το βραβείο Cesar Vallejo 2023. Είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας παρουσιάσουμε τον πιο εκπληκτικό ποιητή, τραγουδιστή, τραγουδοποιό του Μεξικού.
Διαβάστε αυτό το υπέροχο άρθρο: Ο σπουδαίος και καταπληκτικός άνθρωπος Juan Carreon Pag Llena
Σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio
Juan Carreón Segovia is a Mexican singer-songwriter, writer and poet with a solid 30-year career. Son of the musician Jesús Carreón Jiménez and the writer Guadalupe Segovia Roldán, a great reference of Latin American culture and humanism. At the age of 14, he found his primary way of returning to the world in music and poetry. “Luna” is his first word and the source of inspiration for his first verses. At the age of 20, he gave his first literary-musical creation workshop to a handful of adolescent members of “Sangre Nueva”,
He has had a successful career in Europe with multiple tours, concerts, presentations on Spanish television and radio. He is Presidential Advisor of a Thousand Minds for Mexico International with Master Jeanette Tiburcio Márquez. He has received several international decorations, he is President of the Literature commission of UNACCC LATINA. Honorary member of the Global Leaders Alliance.
Carreón’s discography, incomplete of course, contains two cassettes: “A la intemperie” and “Diario de un Músico”, on compact disc: “En vivo desde Yucatán”, “Diario de un sueño”, “Antología”, “Sueño with doors”, “In the last drink”, “La Bruja”, “We did not come from shopping”, “Ojos con sal”, “Live from the Teatro de la República. Radiolacalle vol. Me and “Trash. Garage music. The new album contains the songs “Bailando”, “You will not see me go back” (a duet with Mariela Condo), “If everything is a dream” (dedicated to J. Rondán), “Pólvora y Flores”, “Alma de gorrión”, “La parranda”, “Voy por ti” (duet with Edgar Oceransky), the text “La soledad” and the song “La soledad”, “Cuando cerren mis ojos” (duet with Luisa Carreón), “Abril”, “La thong” and “Give me your heart”. The “Dublín 33” studio opened its doors at the request of Sergio Félix (who together with David Filio make up the duet “Mexicanto”) for this new project. The musical direction and most of the arrangements were carried out by Beto Gómez”. He is currently preparing 3 musical productions and an international tour to return to European soil. And prepare new books.

That it’s worth by JUAN CARREÓN
That it’s worth
May congruence (mother of peace) be with you.
That the words that hurt dissolve in the mouth
like ghosts with light.
May you surrender to love with your eyes open.
May beauty save you from pain, from hate, from boredom.
Don’t forget that to be happy you have to want be.
May your vices be just pleasures again.
Don’t stop doing what you like.
That you are up to your project.
Don’t live with people you don’t admire
don’t sleep with people who don’t dream.
That you do not miss a kiss that produces trembling,
the hug that makes a house in the street,
the other naked soul, enthusiasm.
May you have peace or a worthwhile war.

Que valga by Juan Carreón
Que valga.
Que la congruencia (madre de la paz) te acompañe.
Que las palabras que hieren se disuelvan en la boca
como los fantasmas con la luz.
Que te entregues al amor con los ojos abiertos.
Que la belleza te salve del dolor, del odio, del hastío.
Que no olvides que para ser feliz hay que querer serlo.
Que tus vicios vuelvan a ser sólo placeres.
Que no dejes de hacer lo que te gusta.
Que estés a la altura de tu proyecto.
Que no vivas con gente que no admires,
no te acuestes con personas que no sueñan.
Que no te falte un beso que produzca temblor,
el abrazo que hace casa en la calle,
la otra alma desnuda, el entusiasmo.
Que tengas paz o una guerra que valga.
Cuando estoy contento canto.
Canto recuerdos sombríos.
Canto amores, tuyos, míos.
Cuando tengo miedo, canto.
Si como amaranto canto
Canto cántaro y cantera
canto por la carretera
canto en el sueño y vigilia
Canto y canta mi familia
canto por dentro y por fuera.
Canta mi sombra que espera
perderse en la sombra y canta
cuando la luna levanta
está mirada a su esfera.
Canta mi voz parrandera.
Cantan mis dedos, mis codos.
Canto buscando recodos
Cantan también mis costillas
mis sobrinas amarillas.
Canto de todos los modos.
Canta mi hijo y sus abuelos
Y todos mis muertos cantan
cuando sus tumbas quebrantan
para cantar a los cielos.
Canto entregado y con celos
canto solo, enfermo canto.
Canto en parto y camposanto
canto si el amor me abraza
canta mi risa y mi raza
canto soy, de canto a canto.
When I’m happy I sing.
I sing dark memories.
I sing loves, yours, mine.
When I’m scared, I sing.
Yes, I sing like amaranth
I sing pitcher and quarry
I sing along the road
I sing in sleep and wakefulness
I sing and sing my family
I sing inside and out.
Sing my shadow that waits
get lost in the shadow and sing
when the moon rises
is looking at its sphere.
Sing my partying voice.
My fingers sing, my elbows.
I sing looking for corners
My ribs also sing
my yellow nieces
I sing anyway.
Sing my son and his grandparents
And all my dead sing
when their graves break
to sing to the heavens
I sing delivered and with jealousy
I sing alone, sick I sing.
I sing in childbirth and cemetery
I sing if love embraces me
sing my laughter and my race
I sing, from song to song.