Poems by Jernail S. Aanand

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού


A cuckoo it appears has got her sleep Interrupted by some great dream
Whom is she calling
In her beautiful voice?

The voice is non stop like
The song of the  solitary reaper
Is she singing of some present joy
And joying at the news of some employment?

In my lonely hours
When I  am alone with my thoughts
Your voice enthralls me
With intimations divine.

Or you too are a poet at heart.
Thinking of the world
And thanking your Creator
In the same breath.

©®Jernail S Aanand

TWO WORLDS by Jernail S Aanand

There is a world
Which believes in Good and Evil.
And there is a world
Which finds Good in Evil.
In this age of mixed doubles
Not possible to draw lines.

The entire world belongs to Him.
Why He creates
Specimens of Mixed Values
Who think success justifies all means?
Who then create havoc with
Natur’s systems?

The population in the world
Is increasing
Because gods do not
Admit back people who
With their glub talk
Try to outsmart them.

I feel left behind in the race of mortality
I keep looking at the ground
Trying to draw lines
Between good and evil,
While the people who ride this world
Are exempt from demarcations.

Gods  keep my spirits up
Visit me
In my dreams and tell me,
Even if I lose this race,
I am still closest to them.
For gods love the lamb most.

The power mongers
Who think
They can offer a ride to gods,
And convert this world
Into a dirty drain,
Cannot do so
Without themselves turning swine.
