Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Tonight, There’s No Winner by James Tian
Tonight isn’t like a mask through the crystal,
But more like the light shining through the fog,
Like a tulle,
Which seems to indicate,
That there’s no answer.
On the streets,
The noisy traffic and the sounds of animals,
Shouting from time to time,
Are intertwined and crushed;
There’s light coming through behind countless windows,
But if the world outside isn’t peaceful,
How can the life inside be warm?
Many people who’re”Playing Chess”with their opponents at “Home”,
Having an inner fire,
That can engulf the entire universe;
But after a few seconds of “Confrontation”,
Before the “Chess Game” is decided,
A pair of “Enemies” suddenly became “Friends” and “Dreamers”.
They’re playing a real “Game”,
Just like the voices outside,
Competing with each other to be louder and louder.
And they’re claiming to be able to choose,
Whether to be peaceful or not on behalf of this “Night”,
But no one voice gives back,
The firm and sunny “Answer”.
The moon and stars still stayed in the sky,
Watching the chaotic and complicated “Mind”,
Doing the transactions “Undercover”.
Soon after,
If the “Players” return to hostility and the “Chess Game”,
Shouldn’t ask all hearts – would it be stranger?
Just go around in circles,
And use all available methods to “Cover Up”,
But the problems behind it is still there;
Tonight’s “Noisy” is a “Preview” of tomorrow,
Tonight’s “Chess Game” and “Voice”,
Will have no winners…
James Tian
To Free People And Thoughts: I’m shouting out for one of most important things of humans – Freedom by James Tian
Exchanging the so-called Safety,
By giving up your freedom…
Once you can’t respect yourself,
No one will respect you anymore!
If it’s happy to live in a cage?
Are you a deaf cat,
And not listening the shouts from the occupied world?
Nobody can point out your road,
But only your mind and soul do.
Pretending to be a Good Man,
Never stop being a Chick,
Lower your heads more,
Stronger the evils’ power!
You can feel your sins,
But dictators don’t.
“Where there’s liberty,
There’s my country.”
In today’s absurdity,
You should really consider.
James Tian