Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Irina Shulgina
Born in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk. Graduated from KSAMT. Composer, poetess, singer, vocal teacher.
Honored Worker of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Soloist Kras. state Philharmonic Ensemble “KrasA” Head of the family ensemble “Sisters”. The Shulgin family is a laureate of the All-Russian competition “Family of the Year”. Honorary Worker of Literature and Art of the LIK International Academy (Germany). Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (St. Petersburg). Academician MARLEY (Canada). Academician LIK (Germany). Representative of the Federation of the World Society of Culture and Arts of Singapore. Member of the Union of Songwriters Kras. the edges. Member of ISP (Moscow). Member of SPSA and ISAI.
The author of more than 300 songs in different genres, hymns, which are performed by soloists and groups from different regions of Russia.
Laureate of International and All-Russian competitions.
Grand Prix of the International Competition in France.
Winner of the competition of individual grants of the governor of the region, for his personal contribution to the preservation and development of culture. Recipient of the Order of Merit in Literature and Art.
С уважением, Шульгина Ирина Валентиновна,
Заслуженный работник культуры Красноярского края.
Почетный деятель литературы и искусства Международной академии ЛИК (Германия).
Академик Международной академии развития литературы и искусства (Канада).
Академик Петровской академии наук и искусств (СПб).
Член Интернационального союза писателей (Москва).
Член союза писателей Северной Америки и
Международного союза Авторов – Исполнителей…

A moment lived in love by Irina Shulgina
A moment lived in love
And on the path of life
Everything is just beginning
Warm look and tenderness of hands,
The joy of meeting the pain of separation –
It is in the heart that love is born.
A year spent in love,
You, with the hope of saving.
Let this path continue.
Children’s laughter and the first step,
Something is done wrong,
But in love, everything is forgiven with love.
A life lived in love
At the end of the path
Only with love the soul does not say goodbye.
Looking into children’s eyes
Let’s turn back time,
After all, in love only life goes on.
Time is racing in a circle –
This is a round of life.
And closer and closer we are getting
At the right time.
Life is a twisted road,
Don’t rush the time.
And from edge to edge
Live it only in love!
Asterisk by Irina Shulgina
There, somewhere high up, you won’t find the answer
And the dust of our mistakes will dissolve the pain.
Somewhere, deep down, my heart is warmed,
Just don’t cool off and awaken love.
I will draw rain and a rainbow of hope,
The light of children’s smiles and the angel of the soul.
Who can help me to be near, as before,
To take away from the troubles, we need to hurry.
It is not always given to us to see the light at the end of the tunnel,
To overcome or overcome.
If it is destined and on the way of loss
It is necessary to overcome the upheaval of life.
Morning star, bright star
It will always shine for those who are on the way.
Life is not a game, it can be anything.
Only love can save us!