Poems by Harinder Cheema

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού


Poetry is like a river to me
Flowing with the silt of rich thoughts
Poetry is like a symphony
That touches the chords of the hearts
Poetry is the inner profundity weaved in mesmerizing words
These words flying far and wide just like the migratory birds
Poetry is the medicine to me
That can heal the tormented souls
Poetry is the nectar to me
Served in a beautiful bowl
Poetry is a vehicle to me
That carries my messages to the world
It is my connect with the divine
And I write what I receive from the God.

Bio: Harinder Cheema is an internationally celebrated, versatile poet author, novelist, translator and a speaker. She is the only Indian to receive the “Naji Naaman International Literary Honor Prize for Complete Work in 2022”. She has also been honoured with the Title and Award ,
STAR AMBASSADOR OF WORLD POETRY by Aazaad Foundation India in the Fourth International Literature Summit and World Poetry Conference 2022.
She is the author of two Books, entitled,” The Temple Stop”and ” Soul Chants”. She is the  co- author of 35 poetry anthologies and her articles have been published in  various prestigious International magazines and Coffee Table  Books. She is also the proud recipient of many prestigious global awards and honours in the field of Literature.Her name finds a mention in 101 most influential women 2020 and  Glantor 100 Powerful Personalities 2022 and also in the National Book of Achievers as the , “Most Creative Author”.
