Culture is the blood of life!
Culture is not like a beautiful woman who, of herself, shows all her beauty, and who steals her heart from the victims of her enchantment of a feminine nature:
culture is passion, it is blood,
it’s suffering, it’s inspiration,
it’s nothing and it’s everything!
it is certainly not,
a walk through the streets of vanity, or of the insignificance linked to ridiculous human manifestations, anchored to envies and childish behaviors, which then lead to the most absurd forms of the human construct, thus generating:
vainglory, hypocrisy and everything that dresses life with useless words.
Culture is, freedom, inherent in the blood and soul, of those who fear no borders
and he doesn’t like cages, human fences, and above all he doesn’t want to die in the void of the world and in the races of time!
Culture is,
the cry, the mighty scream of the man who holds the cross on his shoulders, is the pain born of criminal blackmail,
of men and women:
on the lives of others like them!
Culture loves life,
but never seek compromises,
is an anchor rooted in the soul,
it’s like a revolution
inside the veins, and in the words, in labor:
blood and salt, love and dignity!
From “Inner Soul Reflections”
©Copyright Francesco Favetta

Way of Life
Life begins to live, every time you fly beyond invisible borders, where the reasons for the apparent existence uselessly mark the moments of stupid and ephemeral cardboard pride.
Will we be able to be more life, and lift our thoughts and our hearts with lightness and conscious knowledge, to glide our souls beyond the horizons, revealed only to those who live their lives consciously?
From personal reflection ©Copyright Francesco Favetta
Culture and beauty!
I was wondering if culture and beauty could ever defeat the widespread blindness among the people!?!
If poetry, inherent in the human soul, can one day: live in the heart of humanity and in daily events!?!
Finally, if love, silent warrior of Peace and Joy, will be able to build, in the future, in everyone’s hearts: the Temple of Concord, of Brotherhood and of Respect among the Peoples of the Earth and beyond!?!
To all of you who are reading, I leave this reflection of mine!
From personal reflection
©Copyright Francesco Favetta

Love, then: it’s the truth!
It doesn’t matter, the amount of love lavished, but, the real intention, that, we put: in giving ourselves to other people, to souls in the world!
There is a culture, imposed, by reality, that, we all live,
which imposes, on those who feed on nothingness and non-substance: the phenomenon of flattery at any cost and forms of licking, beyond measure, excessively marked and morbid!
The human heart is a home where reigns: love, peace and the universal good.
The human mind is, a reality, internalized: either by external solicitations;
– undoubtedly commercials, pre-packaged messages-: or from awareness and inner digging, along a lifetime!
The soul, on the other hand, is invisible, free, but strongly palpable, only by those people who feed on a daily basis: with values; and also, they live: in simplicity, they love their neighbor, they esteem others, and at the same time, they cultivate self-esteem within themselves!
Love, then: it is the hidden truth, in the light of individual conscience and freedom!
Far from the wonders of our life, of nature, of free thought and of every breath: humanity will never be able to awaken itself from the age-old torpor and rusts of the mind!
The universe explains everything, in it,
is written and imprinted,
the Eternal Code of Life, visible to the stars, to madness, to feelings, to planets, to human lives immersed in poetry, lover: of Brotherhood, of Liberty, of Equality, and of True Pure Love for every form of life!
From personal reflection
©Copyright Francesco Favetta

The poet Francesco Favetta was born in Sicily in Sciacca, he has always loved poetry, writing verses, but above all culture, food for the soul: culture is Freedom, it is Free Spirit, it is Soul in Movement, not it should never be harnessed!
In 2018 he was awarded by the Accademia di Sicilia, Academician of Sicily.
He has been published in various anthologies and in various magazines, among which, we mention a few:
international magazine The Poet;
Revista Azahar who edited the first Sylloge of Poems in Spanish: Encantamiento y Palabras como Plumas;
Anthology The Silk Road Anthology: Nano Poems for Africa; “Poetic Galaxy Atunis”;
WorldSmith International Editorial; OPA The Poetry Journal; Inumbrable magazine; Magazine Polis; rank of minister in the Order of the Titan and publication of a lyric in Octobermania;
international literary magazine Kavya Kishor in Bangladesh;
international journal of language, literature and culture “Petrushka Nastamba” Serbia; international magazine, Namaste India and Certificate of Appreciation;
Different Truths social journalism platform;
Cisne Magazine Digital;
Humanity St. Petersburg magazine; fourth Panorama International Literature Festival Spain, delegate for Italy.
He founded a theater company in Sciacca: “Theatrum Socialis Sciacca”, and a Lions Club, the “Sciacca Terme”.
Finally, the poet Francesco Favetta is convinced that poetry will be the weapon with which humanity will make their lives free, and furthermore beauty will always be a truth that will never be buried:
from the times and events of daily human lifeb!
Francesco Favetta
Sicily (Sciacca) Italy
Warrior spirit
More time
and more true reason
neverending Story
ancient existence
scattered seeds
tired faces.
All is silence
I seek in me breaths
suspended moments
free breaths
unexplored frontiers
torn torments.
We are planets
distant lands
rebel comrades
invisible threads
swords of love
brothers and sisters.
I live by dancing
fighting and rejoicing
under the oak
of majestic enchantment
humble servant
quivering archer.
Roll the drum
the ground vibrates
decisive steps followed
the lost sea
of clouded minds
from imprinted torpor
in the noble soul
of motionless men.
©Copyright Francesco
Always ready smiles!
With the hands
earth dirty
sweat on the forehead
so tired and hungry
they were the little wonders
warrior hearts
the battles of many parents
of other times
great hard workers
tireless workers
safe havens for families
faces wrinkled by time
walk united in faith
hand in hand
of the companion.
The smell of warm bread
always on the table
those seeds never violated
the big love
locked up in pain
work under the sun
that stole from rest
a long time
but he honored
and gave dignity
they were the parents
calloused hands
than once
those ever ready smiles
to life and freedoms.
©Copyright Francesco Favetta.