Poems by Dr. Sajid Hussain

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού


A thousand blessings cascade upon Hussain,
He for whom the heavens and the earth exist,
The Prophet’s shoulders cradle him as a throne,
Angels yearn for but a fleeting glimpse,
Heavenly beings dream of lullabying Hussain,
His life is a beacon of Islamic virtue,
Grandson of the foremost of prophets,
Through webs of deceit, he was beckoned,
The treacherous lured him to distant Kufa,
For the noble cause of Islam, he ventured forth,
His head crowned upon the tip of a spear,
Parched lips denied the river’s mercy,
Ruthless hands severed kin from life,
Imam remained steadfast in his sacred duty,
A lance cleaved his noble head,
Witness to unholy savagery and brutality,
He and his kin submitted to the Divine,
Not to the impious cruelty of men,
We salute Hussain for his paragon of greatness,
The martyrdom of the Hussain will perpetually illuminate ,
And forever inspire the hearts of believers.

Sajid Hussain from Pakistan ©

Arches of Concession

Existence bestows upon us the symphony of hope,
The unseen threads of time’s silver brush,
Stealthy resolve endeavoring  inch forward for the cause,
Ingest the bittersweet marrow of life,
Serenity and spirit wander on divergent trails,
The invisible barricades impede the thirst,
Dissolve in the crucible of endurance,
To cling faithfully to the luminous pillars of certainty,
Regarding the concord nestled within the heart of abode,
Feeds the tendrils of the awakening light,
In the arid expanse of worldly tribulations,
Anxieties over the blossoming of fraternal bonds,
Forever poised for scrutiny in grand stature,
Every seam prospers through every season’s favour,
Existence arches at each juncture of concession,
We pursue the enigma we scarcely comprehend,
A relentless severity grips every facet of reality,
Adorned with life’s sharp-edged frowns,
A mortal soul mirrors the epic of existence,
Each being treads the path of purpose,
Crafts his unique canvas to enthrall the lingering gaze.

Sajid Hussain from Pakistan ©

Innocence and Isolation

A veil of darkness cloaks the little house,
Half buried in grass, half smothered in snow,
A muddy base anchors it to the earth,
Darkness stretches its limbs further,
As snowstorms surge and swell,
Outside, snow accumulates in the tempest,
Emptiness spreads its wings inside the house,
A fragile hulk sways in the calm storm,
But dread grasps tight in the wild array,
Sleep flirts with open eyes, syncs with sight,
That tender light winks from afar,
Harshly on the visage adorned with piercing frowns,
Drifting in nights the rest reorients its course,
Month after month until the hairs turn gray,
Colours that blaze with nameless grace,
How dear is this dwelling place,
Innocence at peace with all below,
Denies wearing the mask of a long journey.

Sajid Hussain from Pakistan ©


Dr. Sajid Hussain, born on February 1, 1969, in Morgah, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, is a distinguished poet, educator, and advocate for literature. He holds memberships in global literary organizations and has received numerous accolades, including the Shahitya Pata Award and the Rabindranath Tagore Memorial Literary Honours. He has authored acclaimed works and contributed to international anthologies. A senior Chemistry teacher and Master Trainer in “Low Cost and No Cost Science Material,” Dr. Hussain is also a homeopathic doctor and former principal. His poetry, often focused on humanity and nature, is widely published and translated. Dr. Hussain is a committed advocate for global understanding, cultural exchange, and social justice, using his platform to inspire positive change and foster dialogue.
