Poems by Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού


Poetry! Stirs the heart with an enticing flame
Brightens thoughts with pleasant rhymes;
Not only it propels the spirit of day-to-day life,
But, even erases the traces of misery and grief.

Poetry! Must be laced with words soothing
Must entice with themes; thought-provoking;
With extraordinary and innovative concepts,
Poets must enthuse readers with new prompts.

Poetry! It acts like a balm to emotive people,
Even uplifts the spirit and the sagging morale;
Relieves mental tensions, boosts a new hope,
Yes, its power is such, no inner force can stop.

Poetry can transform cruelty into sympathy
Can transform hateworthy to praiseworthy;
Yes, it flourishes till humanity exists on earth,
And, what more do we need than love and faith.


As and when; when I glance
Through the mind’s lens,
And glimpse through the eyes;
I only find the misty skies.

Sometimes looking enticing
Sometimes looking menacing
All around they look fickle,
But with a silver-line sparkle.

Caught betwixt the dualities
Betwixt the truth and lies….
What to believe and what not?
Mind gets clouded with doubts.

Sometimes looking awesome
Sometimes looking fearsome,
The materialistic world reflects,
A vacuum that colorfully distracts.

Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana
HYDERABAD – 500 059
Telangana State – INDIA

ABOUT THE POET: Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana is a writer, poet and reviewer, hailing from Hyderabad City, Telangana State, INDIA, whose message-oriented poems achieved the rare distinction of getting published in no less than 100 countries.  For his relentlessly contributions on Universal Peace, World Brotherhood, Environment Consciousness, Protection of Nature, Safeguarding Children’s and Human Rights; the poet has been conferred with several prestigious national and international awards, lots of laurels, commendations, titles, doctorates etc. That apart, his poems have been translated to over 40 languages.
Dr. Ashok received applause from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former-President, India, Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee, former-Prime Minister, India, Bill Clinton, USA, Queen Elizabeth of Britain, Princess of Wales, President and Prime Minister of France, Prime Minister of Switzerland, Senator Viktor Busa, The Lord President, Italy, United Nationals Organization, UNESCO, UNICEF etc.
ELEVEN poetry books have been published so far, viz., (1) CHARISMATA OF POESIE (2) THE CHARIOT OF MUSINGS (3) SERENE THOUGHTS (4) TWINKLES (5) REFLECTIONS (6) ALTITUDES (7) OUTLET (8) HORIZON (9) KALEIDOSCOPE (10) VIBRANT MUSINGS (11) YOURS POETICALLY; as also the poet has translated 14 spiritual books from Telugu to English language.

Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana
Hyderabad City, Telangana State, INDIA
