Poems by Bogdana Găgeanu

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Bio: Bogdana Găgeanu is a poetess and a playwright . She has been published in anthologies and magazines. Her playwrights have been heard to different radios.She received a lot of international awards. She had many interviews with Loi Monroe, Gelda Castro, Helen Sarita, Dustin Pickering, Dennis Brown. She likes to inspire. She wrote her first book of poems,”My soul pyramid “. She wrote a script for a short Romanian movie called “GPS”

The fool’s game

Fools have the chance to win
Like in a chess game
Because they take the risk
And they can make a queen
Or a king to lose the crown.
A fool is more dangerous
Because saying the truth as a joke
Makes it more reachable for people.

Bogdana Găgeanu
All copyrights Reserved Romania


I am so crowded
Inside myself
I can not breathe
Crowded within this world
Like in a tight bus
And I can not be distinguished
Amongst so many people
So I better walk by foot.

Bogdana Găgeanu
All copyrights Reserved Romania

Old people

Old people are considered
Like old objects
Not being useful any more.
They are abandoned
And left alone like garbage.
Old people are not valuable
For our society.
We should give them more attention
Because one day ,we will be old, too
And we will feel how they are treated.

Bogdana Găgeanu
All copyrights Reserved Romania

Job for happiness

Do you want to just have a job
And earn money
Or do you want a job for happiness
Where everybody is happy
Including you?
What is more beautiful
Than being satisfied
With what you do?
Receiving smiles
Is most valuable than a penny.

Bogdana Găgeanu
All copyrights Reserved Romania
