Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Berkinalieva Sagynbubu Abdysamatovna is a member of the Union of Writers of Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Eurasia.
Genre: poetry.
“Leaf in the Dust” Bishkek.
“Girl dancing in the sky” Bishkek.
Girl dancing in the sky-2019.England.
Head of the Central Asian branch of the Writers’ Union of North America.
Member of the Society of Poets and Writers of Nigeria, coordinator in Kyrgyzstan.
Honorary member of the Society of Ukrainian Writers.
Reward: Grand Prix
Open Eurasia – 2019.
Medal «Lyra».
Grand Prix Annie Snitkina of Canada – 2021.
Intercontinental Director of the Siesart Society of Poets in Spain, Barcelona – 2022.
Winner of the Golden Parchment Award Spain – 2022.
Winner of the “Amber Nugget” award from Russia to Canada.
Winner of the Matsuo Base Prize, Germany.
His poetry has been translated into more than 30 languages and published in international literary newspapers, magazines and anthologies.
Songs published in song collections:
1) “On the hills of Georgia” Tbilisi.
«Voices of Eurasia»
«Bell»; Israel.
«Voices of Friends» UK
Atinus Galaxy Belgium. 2023
“Athinus Galaxy” Anthology of world poets – Brussels – 2023.
World Anthology. USA – 2023.
Don’t lie to yourself – volume – 1. St. Petersburg – 2021.
Literary almanac «Alesla» – Romania. – 2021
Golden Book of Poems 2021. Azerbaijan – 2021.
Anthology of Poets of the World. «Lux» Editor: Margarita – Al Russia – Turkey.
“Platinum Book” Anthology of Russian poets Russia – Canada
Magazine «Southern Sun» Frankfurt am Main.
Anthology of Asian Poets – Egypt – Cairo – 2021.
Jinuri Korean Newspaper – 2023
Magazine «Term» Türkiye – 2022.
Honorary Member of the Writers Guild of North America.
Gloria and LIK., Ukrainian Academy
Academician Chernigov – 2021.
Awarded the medal of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “Hero of Independence”!
Sagyn Berkinalieva was recently admitted to the Russian Writers’ Union.
Institute of Arts and Letters in Germany
Received the Goethe Prize
Ambassador of the Society of Poets of Morocco and Chicago in Kyrgyzstan.
Ambassador of the Society of Indian Poets in Kyrgyzstan.
Here songs were published in the European newspapers Albania Press, Kultural, (Italy) Destancion (Albania), Orpheus, (Viora).
Here poems were published in Arabic in the Arabic magazine «Elite».
14 •
We’re weeping, our eyes gushing tears.
And I don’t know if it’s longing or distress.
The wind’s drunk from our turmoil as it veers
And yes, I’m staggering now, I confess.
My husband and children give no relief,
It seems I’ve lost my way again.
I’m in and out of sleep with grief.
Every breath is wracked with pain.
Each new day becomes my enemy,
And love’s true face is concealed.
Why is fate so envious of me?
My hope’s ill and won’t be healed.
You’re innocent, wind, but oh I hate you.
Don’t dare caress my hair now, please!
I’m soured by unrequited love, it’s true.
And my heart will crack and freeze.
15 •
I always prayed that the Almighty one day
Would send me my life’s one true light,
And yes, I’ve regrets in longing this way,
But our meeting brimmed with delight.
I never thought sweet words of joy
Would swiftly turn quite so hollow,
But now it seems I’ve become a mere toy
Of the deceptive romance that followed.
I wanted you to be my spirit’s good healing
And not just caress my hair.
Stop here now: you’re betraying my feeling –
I won’t forgive you this sham love affair.