Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Aklima Ankhi a poet, story teller and a translator, was born on 1 December, 1987 in Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Currently, she is living in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.She is a post Graduate in English literature. She is a Lecturer in English.Her poems published in the national and international newspapers, magazines as well as many global anthologies. Her poems have been translated into different languages around the world.She has published a book named “Guptokother Shobdochabi” in Bangla language. She received many certificates and honours from different literary organizations for her outstanding literary works.
Journey of couple soul by Aklima Ankhi
Two landless souls emerge from one land of earth,
Breaking the wall of border,
Crossing the bondage of fear,
Going to ignite the fire of lust
Like with sparrow’s passion,
Wearing tilak of phoenix bird’s ashes
That they can wander through out the whole world,
To set fire on every injustice,
To offer love to all.
They want to give birth a new world of unity
Where everyone will get sunshine, air and water equally.
The wing of couple soul has apparently started journey to the way of the world,
To spread aroma of peace across the World Village.
Encumbrance of Beings by Aklima Ankhi
Being hot the Earth is melting like a Candle;
Again being ice somewhere!
Nature is restless by unwise deeds
So,humans how will you be tranquil !
Man, Be careful.
Today, your show-off civilization is disconsolate.
Europe is almost naked by heat wave.
Often and often America stays in cold ICU.
In Asia flood fest is going on
Reasonless diving and swimming here and there.
Embracing drought and hunger Africa is on palpitation.
Amazon or Australia is on wild fire.
Please, tell me.
Whose fault?
What do you feel?
Laments of the rotten heart of Earth
Throbbing like a raped girl.
Carrying the punishment of this sin in your mind and brain;
Pulmo with hundred prick marks
Sobbing with intense fever–
Because of humans fault.
Yeah,only because of the sin of humans fault.
Being a child of this world how do I forget the sins of Agnate.
Taking all of responsibilities on my shoulder,to live and to save from the curse of innocent Earth.
Singing hymn for the healthy World.
The Quilt of Clay by Aklima Ankhi
(Dedicated to my parents)
Believe me, Earth
I have come here only to love you.
Sit down on the cooling mate of confidence.
I fan you slowly for calm down.
Broken nose by the kick has the power of moving air.
Great soul beat is in the ribs.
Piercing thorn on legs can walk shedding blood.
Although eyes acts blindly has a little eyesight.
There is no distaste in outspoken tongue.
Earth,how much reassurance of competency
you need to love you!
Believe me earth,I have come here to love you only.
Illiterate wood craftsman who is irresistible lover from whom has taken the first lesson of love.
His beloved has taken knit stitch artistic flower of love with her generous skilful hands.
Earth, believe me or not
In my life lessons, have learned to love you.