Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
A Statue and an Forgotten Heaven
A beautifully carved warrior statue.
It is the shadow of the nation’s fighters.
Unfortunately we are not the same strength as in the past.
Moving earth and heaven, what we have, is now gone.
One trait that remains the same is feeling heroic.
But made weak by time and destiny.
But strong in the will to kill his own people.
There are no more shouts of struggle, only the power of sheer lust.
I miss the turbulent moments of struggle.
All that remains is a statue from the ruins of your struggle.
All that remains are your tears and blood.
All that remains is a name that does not rise.
All that remains is a memory that has begun to disappear.
Now I call your name after waking up from my dream.
Dreams full of blood and stiff bodies.
Dreams are full of scattered bones.
The dream of a poor and suffering nation.
I want to take your soul back.
From your fighting spirit.
From the turmoil of your nation.
The sweat, blood, and life you sacrificed.
And the bond of nation that you unite.
For the sense of freedom we dream of.
Teaching my fighting spirit will ignite itself!
Brunei Darussalam
Author Biography
H.MAR or real name Dr. Haji Mohd Ali bin Haji Radin was born on August 5, 1968 in Brunei Darussalam. Graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Malay Literature at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam. He works as a Senior Language Officer at the Language and Literature Bureau, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Brunei Darussalam. H.MAR’s written work comprises: Anthology of Poems and Short Stories titled Hidup Yang Mati, 1996. Brunei: DBP; Novel titled Kota Kaca, 2003 & 2020. Brunei: DBP; Anthology of Drama and Short Stories titled Taman ‘O’, 2003. Brunei: DBP; Collection of Poems titled Gelora, 2022 & 2023. Brunei: DBP; Collection of Short Stories Exotis, 2018. Brunei: DBP; Collection Drama title Taman Mimpi, 2021. Brunei: DBP; and Poetry Collection حديقة الفلسفة / Philosophy Garden, 2022. Morroco: The Association La Vague Culturella Publisher; Collection Do Drames Jardins Du Rire, 2023. Egypt: Diwan Al Arab Publication; A Collection of Short Pieces Garden X, 2023. Egypt: Diwan Al Arab Publication; Una colección de cuentos KAMEO Y Las Cartas Perdidas. 2023. Egypt: Diwan Al Arab Publication; and Poetry Collection Moon Archer, 2023. Egypt: Diwan Al Arab Publication.