Poem by Danijela Ćuk

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

English language by HIMNA O ŽENI LAVICI

Biography: My name is Danijela Ćuk, born on May 25, 1989. in Vukovar, with residence in Rijeka, Croatia. I am engaged in writing poetry, so far I have published two independent poetry, I am working on the publication of the third collection of poetry and I have participated in over 15 joint collections. I volunteer in associations for children and adults with developmental disabilities.


Lionesses, you who fight daily,
that you don’t falter even when you pour tears with your heart instead of your eyes,
be proud of yourself
that you overcome all darkness with your light.

You are the soul of this world,
petal of the most beautiful flower,
you find your strength within yourself,
I wonder: where did you get so much from?

You don’t have just one name but two,
queen, woman invincible,
the one who defeats all,
and when you fall, you rise.

Your life is hard, far from a fairy tale,
but i want you to know that there is someone for you
someone who protects you, who loves you,
who shares your happiness and all your pains with you.

You are love, dear woman, know
and the sun is jealous of that glow of yours,
you radiate so much that there are no words for it,
your smile is so healing…

Love yourself because you deserve it,
nothing bad can happen to you,
we are all with you to guard your wings,
to dream with a smile on the clouds of life.

Long live the queens, long live the lionesses,
your path is difficult but you can do anything,
let the tears flow when they want to,
but let them not turn into a painful, sad river.

Get up, don’t fall, you are a role model for everyone,
not even the strongest winter can do anything to you,
no rain, no storm, no storm everything,
they cannot destroy your strength.

Lavice, ti koja se svakodnevno boriš,
koja ne posustaješ ni onda kad srcem umjesto očima suze roniš,
budi ponosna na sebe samu,
što svojom svjetlošću pobjeđuješ svaku tamu.

Ti si duša ovog svijeta,
latica najljepšeg cvijeta,
svoju snagu pronalaziš u sebi,
pitam se: otkuda je toliko u tebi?

Ti nemaš samo jedno ime već dva,
kraljica, žena nepobjediva,
ona koja poražava sve,
i kada padaš, dižeš se.

Težak je tvoj život, od bajke daleko,
ali želim da znaš da za tebe postoji netko,
netko tko te čuva, tko te voli,
tko s tobom djeli sreću i sve tvoje boli.

Ti si ljubav, draga ženo, znaj,
i sunce je ljubomorno na taj tvoj sjaj,
zračiš toliko da za to ne postoje riječi,
tvoj osmijeh tako liječi…

Voli se jer zaslužuješ to,
ne može tebi ništa nikakvo zlo,
uz tebe smo svi da čuvamo tvoja krila,
kako bi s osmijehom na oblacima života snila.

Živjela kraljice, životna lavice,
tvoj put je težak ali možeš ti sve,
pusti suze kad žele da poteku,
ali neka se ne pretvore u bolnu, tužnu rijeku.

Digni se, ne padaj, ti si uzor svima,
ne može ti ništa ni najjača zima,
ni kiše, ni oluje, ni bure sve,
ne mogu tvoju snagu da unište.
