Muhammad Al-Laghafi: “A Conversation with Your Eyes”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Translated by Hassan Yarti

The twilight of your eyes draws me deep,
I ride the waves, where stillness does seep.
How I wish to breathe my last in your keep,
Yearning to kiss your lips as I weep.

Ah, if you knew the joy that floods me,
When I touch you, my heart sways free.
My days gather whole, purely,
In a virgin night, completely.

To speak of your eyes is such a delight,
How wonderful to rest on your chest at night.
And sleep through life’s endless flight,
If you ask why, I reveal my plight.

I open my chest, offer my heart’s bloom,
Sacrificed for you, dispelling all gloom.
To unite with you in tender embrace,
Lost in your softness, I find my place.