Muhammad Adnan Gujjar: “Ode to the Timeless Greeks”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Tradition teaches the tapestry of Time,
O Greeks, you are the timeless grace and cool clime.
Eliot graces you in Individual Talent,
Shakespeare shares your timeless glint.

Great English glorifies your glory,
Homer, you are Milton’s matchless story.
Pope sings thy song in verse,
Spenser imitates thy rehearse.

Still, the world adores Aristotle’s Poetics,
O Greeks, you are still stoics.
The intellectual elite praises thy intellectuality,
You flow and glow in endless emotionality.

Theatre is thy ageless spring,
Artistic artists play in this ring.
Sophocles, the fountain of wisdom,
Aristotle beautifies thy timeless kingdom.

Athena is the muse of today’s poet,
Circe’s palace is a refuge of heart.
Poseidon still roars in the sea,
Odysseus of Ithaca still rises and sees.

Endless generations salute thy grace,
O Greeks, you’re timeless race.