Mammadova Sarija “Human”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Human. His vital activity. Brief thoughts and statements of the Author.

• Not everyone can properly manage the time allotted for self–improvement, the realization of spiritual and creative potential and the fulfillment of the main mission on earth – to be a real Person

• Each person has his own predestination and his main mission in earthly life is to change the world for the better

• The vital activity and life support of a person depends entirely on the abilities of each individual, his human characteristics and skills, his creative and spiritual potential

• It is necessary to understand that the main thing is not to burn through life, not to indulge in excesses, to saturate and satisfy the flesh, but to become a real Person

• Some people form their own inner world, which is sometimes so deep, penetrating and pure that it will never be tainted by the ignorance, facelessness and incompetence of others.

• Beautiful and kind should be the actions, speech, deeds, thoughts of a Person

• A person is colored by his life and activities worthy of imitation

• You have to be a Person in the truest sense of the word

• Each person has his own mission, destiny, predestination

• Live, learn, learn, form

• A person must steadfastly accept what falls to his lot

• A person’s business should not run counter to his life position and intentions

• Try to make up your mind and find yourself in life

• Learn to wait patiently for what you deserve in this life.

• Most often, people choose the wrong priorities, serve the wrong ideals and principles, and worship the wrong idols.

• A person sometimes prefers the wrong values, making an insert only on a money bag

• A person who does not sympathize with the work of people, who does not realize the value and beauty of everything created, will never create anything useful himself and will be in the rank of a critic, dissatisfied and destroyer for the rest of his life

• If a person does not have a sense of responsibility for the task entrusted to him, he will never be in demand.