Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Just as the young moon gently cuts through the starry canvas,
comets are born from that very sliver—
brief flames that shine and disappear.
When they fade into darkness,
we lift our gaze to the sky
and let a wish settle deep within our hearts.
When someone leaves this world,
our voices turn into songs—
celebrating the journey and the final return.
The universe measures everything with care,
pouring equal amounts of sorrow and joy,
as if each breath were a blessing
and each exhale a reminder of impermanence.
Let life flow, graced by blessings,
though it steadily walks toward death.
For all beauty springs from what is fleeting,
and every song reaches its final verse,
only to give birth to a new beginning in silence.