José Ramírez Román: “I started to write, since i liked my writing pattern…”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Μετάφραση: Laskiaf Amortegui

José Ramírez Román, better known by the pseudonym of Pepe Román. Born in Seville, Spain, poet and radio broadcaster passionate. Working in a radio station, has given him the possibility to recite poetry of various poets around the world, as well as making his compositions known to new and unknown compositions for new and unknown. Román thinks that is an opportunity for them to reach other corners of the world. He has written and published several works.

Please share your thoughts on the future of literature. The future of literature. When did you start writing? My interest in writing started in the military, where I had time to read. And then one day a comrade a comrade of mine decided to write to a magazine, where people asked for friendship, as they do nowadays in this virtual world. He received a hundred letters from girls and I came up with the idea of making a writing pattern, which we would send to all of them.

It worked and then we would divide the letters among all the classmates, two to each of us. And I got a girl from the Canary Islands and another one from Orense. With whom I wrote for five years. One letter a week and I still have those letters. From then on I started to write, since I liked my writing pattern and my colleagues told me to write something nice for their girlfriends. And that’s when I started writing as a hobby. Until today, not to become famous with it. I was 18 years old, now I’m 63 years old total, which is 45 years.

The Good and Bad of writing. Who is winning today? The good thing is that every day there are more and more people who like to writing and making themselves known in the virtual world, which is easier. At the same time it is also bad, because there is a lot of envy. When you get a little ahead, they start to speak ill of you and insinuate things that aren’t true, unfortunately, they are unfortunately more people listen to them than to the person who writes. It’s easier to criticise him, because nothing happens.

How many books have you written and where can where can we find your books? Yes, I have three books published, the first one was Which Delicate Rose, dedicated to my daughter, which is no longer for sale, because I sold them on my own.

The second was: Historia de Vida (Life Story), dedicated to a friend who suffered a terrorist attack, the third was: Tras la Ventana (Behind the Window), is dedicated to daily life and everything that can be seen from a window, All three are about poetry and are for sale on Amazon.

The book, how do you prefer it, electronic or hardcover? Which will be the future? Personally, I like to have them in hardback, but I admit that it’s easier for me to read them electronically now. In the future, I think it will be all virtual.

A wish for 2024… That we are more human and less human and less materialistic, that we stop hating others. May we extend our hands to those who really need us, so that when they put on the wooden suit, we are remembered for the human being we were; and not for creating conflicts and wars. There would be so much more to say. Thank you.