Jernail Singh Anand: THE FAKE LORE

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

The generation which believed 

In the folk lore, 

Has been laid by

And the new that has taken over

Believes in Fake Lore 

Imagination which filled 

Young minds with awe and beauty 

And the charms of the known 

And the unknown

Has been displaced by 


The new world that is opening up

To you now is full of fuck lore 

Intelligence goes for a spin, 

Taken over by Antelligence

And excellence 

Falls to excesselence 

Just write you want to imagine 

A home, 

It is there with a lady 

A few kids and a man 

Every thing is so nice, 

So clean, so quick

What if it does not have life?.