Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
The night work was complete
Before the customer arrived
He lifted the covering
And found
The entire earth breathing fresh.
The previous day’s signatures
Were rubbed off
There were no scars
And soon the sun would arrive
On daily inspection.
The earth knew
How to welcome the NAAC team
Of winds, carrying on their back
Bees, butterflies
And birds, who sang in gay abandon.
She places flowers here, fruit there,
Some plants which smelled sweet
As she knew man was coming
At the head of the
Holy fleet
Man touched the leaves
Laden with dew drops
Heaved a deep breath
And said
And touched the feet of his mother earth
Looked up, thanked the sky
Prayed to the sun,
And blessed the ants,
Birds, and kathbiralis
Before he returned to his race eternal.