Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
The things were too complex
And when the spectacle
Moved in front of my eyes
I looked at them
In utter amazement.
When I was a child
Every thing
Even simple things
Looked amazing
And I looked at them in wonder,
My eyes wide open.
I had no inclination then
To know what was what
Simple amazement
A sense of wonder
And it kept me away
From my hunger
And my need for my mother
Mind was stirred
With strange passions
And eyes, with stranger visions.
Now when I am grown up
And going down the drain,
When I have known so much
Written so much, debated so much
When people call me a pseudo philosopher
And listen to me with open mouths
And shutless winks
They know out of my wisdom
I shall tell them some secret of living.
I find reduced to a child before the spectacle
That is moving in front of my eyes.
I can’t decipher why there is disparity
Why there is poverty
Why gods do not listen
And why men stoop low
These questions have a ride
Morning and evening like
The military unit of a tyrant,
And scared, I turn a child,
Incapable of standing upto these
Strategems of evil, hunger and deception.
Jernail S Aanand