Jasna Gugic: “Η ποίηση, μας φέρνει όλους πιο κοντά”

Επιμέλεια-Μετάφραση Eva Petropoulou Lianou Author children literary Poet Greece

Ο κόσμος είναι μεγάλος και με ανθρώπους με διαφορετικα ήθη και έθιμα όμως όλοι σκέφτονται, μεγαλώνουν, ονειρεύονται ερωτεύονται…. Η ποίηση, μας φέρνει όλους πιο κοντά… και μας διδάσκει ότι όλοι έχουμε τα ίδια δικαιώματα σε αυτόν τον κόσμο

Where are you, poets,
you wizards?
Let’s color this sad world
and people with masks,
with our bright words
cause’ these eyes, behind the masks,
have already lost their shine and
glow as we do not breathe at all. Go
ahead, raise your voice
and wipe the mud from your
shoes, in the name of all those
silent people in their homes,
immersed in misery of
every day and boring jobs.
Let’s spread the wings of our imagination
upon this program-minded world
and preserve the scent of
childhood and first kisses,
Let’s give love a chance to come
back, that divine joy of life, let’s pour
from our poems
and let it flow around the
streets all over the world
and let it reach and touch every
single lonely man in tears and
each woman in black.

You who have never
crossed the boundaries of
dream teach me to shout from
mountain tops
at the end of the day,
teach me to open my hands
clenched in fists
and do not be gentle
like those
who give kisses to everyone,
without tenderness. Do not
be false,
latent and arrogant,
be yourself all the way,
be the one
who does not leave his heart,
in himself
but gives it to beat
in someone else’s chest.
And only then
will I let you
into the caves of my loneliness,
wilderness and silence, too
I will allow you
to cross the boundaries
of all limitations
and enter my heart of infinity.

This life is
soaked with tears
and the words are too small
to pronounce
all life in an instant
and my love
hidden in the corners of solitude.
This life is
soaked with tears
and the pain of the past
is stronger
than the impending ecstasy
in the kiss of the night
and my escape is stronger
than the strength of your will.
This life is
soaked with tears
and the joy gets crushed
by the sorrow of the
desperate and disbelief in a
new longing.
This life is
soaked with tears
but today there is a smile
in my eyes
so don’t walk away
from my smile.
Don’t let the grief
to put out these embers
at least sometimes
when I forget
that this life is soaked with tears.

Silence in me
strikes in lightnings
of the sky too gray
and destroys my accumulated

fear in the years of non-
belonging. Silence in you

does not know my fears
and gets lost in words of
unknown people
whose hands cannot
touch the softness
of our hearts.
Don’t let me stay silent
because my love is
louder than your smile.
The loudest one.

All Rights Reserved@Jasna Gugić

Jasna Gugić – Croatia

Was born on February 20, 1966. In Vinkovci. She writes, paints and publishes poems in a joint collection of poems and anthology. She published English Croatian Poetry Collection SONG OF SILENCE. The last important award for Croatia awarded by UHE – Hispanic World Writers Union-César Vallejo 2020 World Award for Cultural Excellence She lives and works in Zagreb.

Jasna Gugić is the Vice-President of the ASSOCIATION OF ART-ISTS AND WRITERS OF THE WORLD SAPS, for public relations.

Jasna is a multiple winner of many international awards for poetry and literature, translated into several world languages.