Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Let the peace grow everywhere,
Including on a tree-
So, all living creatures, including humanity,
Will live worry free!!!
Peace should begin at home-
Regardless you are in Greece or Rome!!
You be the example to pave the way-
And build the bridge for peace, that will never sway!!
September 1, 2024, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
Peace Talks: Wombs of Noisy Teacups by Hillol Ray
Noisy teacups are born in the wombs of peace talks,
Ever since the peace talks on tables crawled on Earth-
At the United Nations and the Kyoto Summit,
Where matching game of shout kills the mirth!
As a scribbler, I compose or decompose peace music,
And audience loves the lyrics shadowed in the morn-
Hazed with my eccentricity and adolescent dream alone,
On many a summer when acclaimed skills are not born!
The uncanny sky is not too high to deflect the soft echoes,
Of peace talks back to Earth with a language of the dove-
As if not more than a morning, and neither less than a night,
For perfections the world likes to see coming from the above!
Stress less minds we can find with summations.
Of good for good attached to an esteemed name-
And allow the time on this universe to eddy on idly,
While our thoughts in winds of visions softly came!
Upon my rebirth on a different planet, golden paradise,
Or on this Earth, I will simply hate the noisy teacups-
To be picked up from the tables of all peace talks,
As they won’t be able to curtain off my hiccups!
Do not count me with those that love to whine,
Or are not scared to hurt another innocent life-
And allow me to rise and shine like a “real” peace-talker,
To eradicate the noisy teacups that seem to emblem a strife!!
November 7, 2022
© Copyright November 7, 2022, by Hillol Ray_