Haroon Rashid: “The Gravity of Impermanence”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

The boundless sea,
with depths unknown,
whispers eternal secrets
to the endless sky,
whose vastness stretches
beyond the grasp of human thought.
In their ancient, silent embrace,
they lay bare a truth
too profound for words:
we are but fleeting echoes,
wandering souls in a cosmos
that existed long before us
and will continue long after we are gone.

The water and the air,
locked in a timeless dance
of life and death,
move ceaselessly,
unshaken by our presence,
indifferent to our vanities.
Yet in our smallness,
we imagine ourselves
the masters of this intricate web of existence.
How foolish we are
to claim dominion over that
which was never ours to possess.

We are but travelers,
brief guests in the grand symphony
of the Earth.
We arrive with empty hands,
and when the final note fades,
we leave with nothing
but the fading memory of our brief stay.

The Earth, in her patient grace,
continues her eternal rhythm,
her love neither bitter nor resentful,
but indifferent and enduring.
In that quiet indifference,
we are humbled,
forced to confront the romance
of our own impermanence.
In that fleeting moment of understanding,
we recognize that our lives,
no matter how grand we may imagine them,
are but whispers in the winds of eternity,
part of something far greater
than ourselves.

Author Haroon Rashid


Haroon Rashid, a celebrated author, is known for his globally recognized works ‘We Fell Asleep In One World And Woke Up In Another’ translated by Eva Petropoulou Lianou, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee for 2024, and ‘Author Haroon Rashid Quotes’. His profound literary impact has further cemented his international reputation and has earned him numerous accolades, including the United Nations Karmaveer Chakra Award and the Global Peace Award from the Mother Teresa International Foundation.
Haroon’s dedication to promoting peace, education, and sustainability has also earned him global honors, including an Honorary Degree in Humanity from La Haye in France and the Golden Eagle Award for Literary Excellence. Representing India at prestigious literary events such as the Paper Fiber Fest, he was honored by Greece for his contributions to literature.
As an ambassador for SDG4 (Quality Education) and SDG13 (Climate Action), Haroon’s work advocates for a better future through the power of words. He has been a featured speaker at the 3rd International Congress of Education in Mexico and is invited as a peace protagonist on International Peace Day in both Mexico and Greece. His influence extends to global platforms like the Oprah Winfrey Magazine and many more, where he continues to inspire generations with his message of peace and sustainability.
