Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
When I am awake
the hopes and aspirations feel very happy
They take me around the day
They tell me to get up,I get up
They tell me to sit down,I sit down
When I asleep
They feel very uneasy
The cannot take me with them
They cannot use me like a servant
I am gradually understanding them
Nowadays when they harass me too much
I sit on my feet
And take the opportunity
to teach them a good lesson
Bio: Guna Moran is an internationally acclaimed Assamese poet and book reviewer. His poems are published in 300 hundred international magazines,journals,webzines,blogs, newspapers, anthologies .Some of them are Indian Literature, Indian Poetry Review, Indian Review, Indian Periodical , Muse India, Outlook India, International Writer’s Journal, International Times Magazine, AZAHAR Revista Poetica , The Poet Magazine, The Global Youth Review ,Whatcom Watch Newspaper , Spillword, Merak Magazine, Quidditty, Lovina 103 ,Indiana University Press , The California Times Newspaper, Poetry Hall , The Piker Press , Bario Blues Press, North eastern University Journal,The Tiger Moth Magazine , World Contemporary Poets Vol 1 .He has won Creator Of Justice Award 2020 by International Human Right Art Festival and got a chance for reading poetry in Frankfurt Book Fair 2020 ( Digital edition).His poems have already been translated into Croatian, Tagalog ( Philippines) , Burmese, Swahili ( Kenya ) , Indonesian, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Macedonian, Chinese, Ukrainian, Russian, Hebrew, Turkish, Hindi,Tamil, Telegu, Marathi, Urdu, Gujrati, Arabic, Bengali . He has published three poetry books to his credit. The are – When The Tree Weeps, Time Will Write History On You, El Amor – Love On The Rocks ( Jointly ). He is invited to join poetry programme organised by America, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Mumbai, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, West Bangla, Panorama International Literature Festival 2022, VI Open Eurasian Literary Festival Of Festivals ” Lift ” 2022 and many more. He lives in Assam, India.