Music plans: 2nd album “Vengeance & Wrath” which will be soon finished and another European tour!
Welcome to Introduce the band in few words.
Hi guys! Thanks for having us in interview. I’m Tzar and with Speedfire and Nocturnitier we’re spreading fire of 80’s speed metal music with band called Gallower.
When did you start as a band?
We’ve started playing in 2014 in garage, but our music have been brought to daylight in 2015 with our demo “Witch Hunt is On”
What is your first musical memory?
I was small kid in 90’s when good music was actually being played in TV. I remember I’ve seen video of Bathory “One Road to Asa bay”, I wasn’t so aware how good it is as I was like 5 year old back then, but I remember it til now.
Who are the members of the band?
Vic Nocturnitier is shredding riffs, TC Speedfire fires heavy artillery and me Mighty Tzar, screaming and bulldozering bass. UGH!
Describe to us your career in music to date. Were there any decisive positive or negative influences?
So, it was 10 years of hard work, but it was worth it. We’ve released 2 demos, 1 LP, 1 EP and we’re finishing our 2nd album. We’ve played in few European countries and on many big festivals like Summer Dying Lour or Black Silesia. During our career we supported bands like Angel Witch, Nifelheim, Deathhammer, Hellripper, Satan, Blasphemy and a lot more bigger names! Never relax.
Are you “scared” by success or failure?
No, we’re just doing our job and having fun while doing this. As far as we will have this attitude and we will do what we believe good, everything will be success for us
Tell us a few words about your latest release.
Our latest release was “Eastern Witchcraft” EP released in 2022 by Dying Victims productions. Our lyrics are connecting into one story set in medieval land Gallower, but this EP is treated like a spinoff a little bit. Lyrics are discovering stories set in eastern parts of the world like Japan, Minor Asia or Russia. We find it very refreshing and we’ve a lot of good music on this release!
Who edits the lyrics and music?
Not sure what do you mean by “editing”, but we are creating music altogether and lyrics are mostly covered by me and Nocturnitier.
What are your future music plans?
2nd album “Vengeance & Wrath” which will be soon finished and another European tour!
Thank you very much.