Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Poetess Ms. Kang, Seoyeon / poet Mr. Byeon, Euisu
In 2016, she debuted in Korea’s <Yeongnam Ilbo> Spring Literary Contest. Poetess Seoyeon Kang is attracting attention in Korean poetry circles by creating works that combine biological and mechanical images using powerful and shocking metaphors. Since 2021, he has been co-creating poetry in collaboration with poet Byeon Euisu and artist Lee Chae-hyun. She is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief (B) of the “Institute of Symbology Research”, a quarterly magazine specializing in avant-garde fine art poetry. Her poetry collection is Street Mannequin and she has many unpublished manuscripts.

Poet Mr. Byeon, Euisu (卞義洙) is a Korean poet. He published his first poetry book, “The Distant City of Memories,” in 1991. In February 1996, he began his official career as a poet with the publication of his works in “Modern Poetry Studies.” Since then, he has been a leading figure in unconscious symbolism, with his second poetry book, “When the Moon Rises, Trees Have an Arched Chest,” published in 2002, and his subsequent work on unconscious symbolism. He published his third book of poetry, a collection of long poems titled “The Symbolism of the Unconscious: Nature, Spirits, and Symbols,” in 2008, followed by his fourth poetry book, “The Parrot in the Black Sun,” as well as his first book of literary criticism, “Waiting for a Flock of Fantasies: The Symbolism of the Unconscious.” He has also written a collection of essays on symbolism and symbols, titled “Symbols and Symbols, Invasion and Resistance.” Since then, he has focused on “meta-semiotics,” an extension of unconscious symbolism. He published his second and third books of literary criticism, “Artists Called by God” and “Schizophrenia and Poets,” in 2009, as well as a book on art criticism titled “Understanding Seo Sang-hwan and Contemporary Art” in 2010. In 2013, he published “Seo Sang-hwan’s Art Symbols: Meeting Park Sang-ryong’s Novels and Byun Yi-soo’s Poems,” a book of art criticism. He also published “Convergence Studies: Symbolism” in two volumes in 2015, in which he presents “symbolism” as an independent emerging academic field. In 2021, he founded and served as publisher and editor in chief of the poetry magazine ” Institute of Symbology Research”
Extremely cold animal farm by Poetess Ms. Kang, Seoyeon • Poet Mr. Byeon Euisu
This poem is a co-created poem in which Poetess Ms. Kang, Seoyeon wrote the poem and poet Byun Eui-su composed the poem –
surrounding the border of brush and knife
Death is
a brush given to the living
The blood on the canvas is stopped by red begonias.
Nude painting of taste,
which touched with tongue
Engineered non-metallic cartilage
The description is mouth-watering.
Endure blood
Packaged in a mold of your choice
The outside is the skin of inside
Vines grow through blood vessels
The petals are crumbling
The tongue’s survival strategy is
Concealing the nonsense of the flesh
Lying down at an angle,
cold maze,
running to break
It’s an acrobatic that climbs an angle.
straight or
The curved part is dance.
The space is clothes that are worn out.
Tooth extraction condition on an empty stomach
All teeth loosened
Old symptoms are buried.
Even if you don’t wear any clothes, the thick wall
Cool shadow
The shining traces are shown
Broken pieces are renewed
Shadows with physical properties
Rich silence
Herbivores grow
seeds buried in a hole
which received a transfusion of green blood
out of the leaves
I catch a glimpse of the acute angle of pushing
It will boil over just once
Inside buried in dead skin cells
open the intestines
When It spread their wings
A trajectory that twists a maze
In the boiling blood with high fever
You can’t build waves upon waves.
Inertia of structure,
Which survived by animal bones
It lived with blood
It boiled the blood and warmed their joints.
light not bred
The displayed body temperature radiates shade.
interior with stacked interior
The flesh of animals and leaves are boil
chasing fire
Musical motif,
which spawning natural enemies
Melodrama is a fantasy
Localized heavy rain stationed at the tip of the tongue
Extremely cold animal farm
Spicy page turns
The darkness crumples through the gaps where it couldn’t escape from.
혹한의 동물농장
강서연(시문 생성)•변의수(시문 구성)
– 이 시편은 강서연 시인이 시문을 작성하고,
변의수 시인이 시문을 구성한 공동창작 시편이다 –
붓과 칼의
경계를 둘러싼 마블링
산 자에게 들려준 붓
캔버스의 혈기가 붉은 베고니아로 지혈된다
혀로 터치한
미각의 누드화
설계된 비금속성 연골들
묘사의 침샘을 자극하는
피를 견딘다
취향의 형틀에 포장된
바깥은 안의 가죽,
혈관을 타고 자라는
꽃잎이 바스라진다
혀의 생존전략에
속살의 넌센스
차가운 미로
부서지기 위한 질주다
각을 올라타는 곡예
꺾어진 부위는 춤이다
공간은 낡아가는 옷
공복의 발치상태
올 풀린 치열
오래된증상이 안치된다
껴입지 않아도 두터운 벽
그림자가 식어있는
빛났던 자국이 상영되고
깨진 조각들이 갱신된다
물성을 가진 그림자들
풍요로운 고요
초식동물이 자란다
구덩이에 묻은 씨앗
초록 피를 수혈받은
잎사귀 밖으로
밀어내는 예각을 엿본다
단 한 번 끓어 넘칠
각질 속에 묻어둔 내부
내장을 열고
날개를 펼치면
미로를 비트는
고열이 들끓는 피안
물결 위에 물결을 세울 수 없다
짐승의 뼈로 버티는
구조의 관성
피로 살았으니
그 피를 끓여 관절을 데웠으니
사육되지 않는 빛
진열된 체온이 그늘을 발산한다
내부를 쌓아 올린 내부
짐승의 살과 잎사귀들이 끓고
불을 쫓는다
천적을 산란하는
멜로는 환타지다
혀끝에 주둔하는 국지성 폭우
혹한의 동물농장
매운 페이지가 넘어간다
달아나지 못한 틈새로 어둠이 구겨진다