Interview with EVA Petropoulou Lianou
By Taghrid BouMerhi Libanese Poet and translator
Interview for Magazine: Raseef 81 Issue 25 Germany
What inspired you to create the “Poetry Unites People” project, and how do you see its impact on communities?
First of all, i would like to thank you for this great honour to have interview with you that i consider a very important person and a pillar among the poets of new times.
Poetry for me is a way of is a therapy
It is the path to create a beautiful and peaceful place. I lived for More than 10 years in Paris and i worked as journalist.
Every Wednesday we had a gathering with friends and we exchanged our opinions in a radio broadcast.Most of the people they came, THey were authors or poets or people they write Poetry.
We discovered that we had the same opinions about the world and we shared through writing.
We spoke about Peace, war, injustice and human rights that was not respected.
The idea of making my project
POETRY Unites people it was born
But i really make it happen in 2009 when i published my first book in Greece and i created 2 groups to support and advertise my book, the daughter of the moon.
In those groups i asked people to write a comment about my book… but most of them they were sending a poem
So i decided to publish the poems in several sites in Greece and that’s how i arrived with the polis magazine and CEO.michael Goniotakis that really support me in this to promote over 1.500 poets from 200 countries.
The people from all over the world keep sending poems and articles.
They are very happy to see their poems published in Greece and i discovered the past 5 years that many poets got inspired from my project and they are doing also the same thing..They are asking for cooperation from other poets , they translate and publish each other poems
I feel really blessed to see that and i have only a request to make..
Don’t close the doors to Poets
Do not use poets for your personal gain or to make a career.
I have been an agregate author in Greece and publish since 2006 my stories.
I learned that kindness and support and the communication are the keys.
Nobody is More important than the other
We are the poets and we need to speak about peace and freedom.

How did you manage to coordinate poets from over 200 countries? What was the biggest challenge you faced in that process?
During my project, i met several people, very important in their countries.
I published poems of Academic professor and philosopher and famous authors.
One day i was communicated by the organisation Mil Mentes Por Mexico association International based in Queretaro
I met Présidente Dra Jeannete Eureka Tiburcio during a great forum dedicated to poetry and peace.During this forum they propose to me to become Ambassador of peace for Greece, for the organisation.I accept with great honour and i started to propose my project to the organisation, they really find my idea , a very important and i suggest to them to start a virtual festival of Poetry.
Since then we have organised more than 8 festivals dedicated to Peace and unity of people through poetry
We have broadcast more than 600 poets in the satellite TV, Cadena 11 Mexico, with more than 4 hours Poetry seeing by 71.000.000.telespectators in Latin America and USA.
The biggest challenge is always to collect the poems because we are in different countries, we speak different languages and it is needed a lot of patience and respect and understanding so we could achieve in our promote Poetry in different languages.
An act of peace and brotherhood because we are all feeling the same but it’s really difficult to express with actions.
I believe the writing is really a way to liberate the individual from his chains.
What motivated you to write the book that dedicates all its proceeds to support the family of the girl who was assaulted?
The story behind the book of Myrto papadomichelaki is a very sad story.
A family was in paros a Greek island for their summer holidays, the little girl said to her mother she will just go for a walk to the sea… not very far from the family circle.
As Myrto was in the sea and playing with her phone, a man coming out from nowhere and he attacked the girl, he grabbed the phone and started to attack her , he took a giant rock and smash the girl head after he sexual assault her
The family find the girl half dead…..
The girl was in coma for almost 2 years
I was following the story through media
The attacker was an illegal Pakistan refugee that was known for his violent behaviour… but nobody did anything to Stop him
I was really shocked about the story and I was thinking about that poor girl and how i can hell her .One day in 2019 i received a letter from my dear friend , the Director of Hellenic Culture Center in Moscow, as she is greek from Kalamata and she was spending time in greece, she tell me that she met one of the person that she was helping the family of myrto and they were thinking to make a book and they wanted me to be the author.
My role was volunteer, i met the family and Mirto papadomichelaki and i wrote a story about an water Amazon that will save the world. I completely dedicated the book to the family and I donate the full copyright to them.
I continue to help the family with advertising and promoting the book
I believe in Human rights
I believe that every individual have the right to be free and happy, nobody has the right to destroy the other s life
I pray for Mirto that one day she will be the beautiful young lady she was before this terrible assault
How do you balance your role as a writer and poet with your humanitarian work in various international organizations?
I learned that giving is much important than talking.
I am in several associations and i learned also that only communication, that’s mean words can bring an impact in the hearts of people.
I don’t see that as work because i am volunteering in everything.
I am a poetic bridge that tries to
show the importance of Poetry and education in countries that suffer from poverty and injustice.
I support the Glory Foundation in Bangladesh
I support the Palestinian poet and activist in Gaza..i support also association in Athens
I always promote their poems, their needs and write letters to people who can really help.
I am not here to teach anyone how to behave
I AM here to show people that they are not alone and we do care…
What role does poetry and literature play in healing the psychological trauma of victims?
POETRY is therapeutic tool for the person that was victimised in their life.
Through writing they have the ability to discover their darkest side and with the guidance of experts and professionals they can heal their traumas
We all need to write down once a while our thoughts and prayers
Because everything is written down in a paper
It can be readee several times
When we read ourselves loud… psychology claims that we car correct our behaviour, if we we really wish it
I always see the writing as part of our personal evolution and i inspire the young to write more and watch less tv during my workshop.

How do you see the role of women in poetry and literature today, especially through the “Women in Poetry” Festival in Greece?
The Women in POETRY Festival, it is created by the UNAM Academy Mexico for the past 5years now.
I was chosen to be the international coordinator Greece for the past 2 years and i am grateful for this great opportunity to my dear friend Honourable Directrice DrA Beatrice Saavedra and Presentedentr DrA Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio Of global Federation Liderazgo y Alta inteligencia a.c.c
How would you describe your experience as the Coordinator of the UNAM Academy in Mexico? What are the key achievements you’ve accomplished there?
For the past 10 years i write poems and i exchange my Poems with others.
The year of COVID that we all suffered from the loneliness we created a Very strong relationship with some of the poets..
I always helped and create bridges and connect the associations, the people and promote their work. I believe that nothing belongs to me and everything is coming from God.. i am an author for childrens..but since my father died the mai in 2017 i start express my feelings through Poetry.
I become friends with people that i had the chance to meet after in Greece
DrA Beatrice Saavedra came in Greece and we meet in her presentation of books
I was very happy and proud when she chooses me to become Coordinator of Greece and with the support of my dear sister
Dra Jeannete Eureka Tiburcio we managed to organise for second time a very important festival of poetry dedicated to women This time i organise festival with mr Giorgos Pratzikos, a very important blogger that he supported the festival.
We collect almost 40 poems from women in Greece and abroad we managed to present the festival in the theater called
The path of IRO, a small area that is dedicated to a woman died from cancer and we had musicians Giorgio and Eva karahalios knowtas George and Eva band, Nikos Souliotis Taiko with his Japanese drams and Sister Mariam who came to sing a very beautiful song
We shout out peace and it is an event that all the island will remember.
Our goal is to bring women together and explain to them the importance to raise their voices against any kind of violence.
Hoping for the third year i will celebrate with women from all over the world.
Women need to be United and speak loud against any kind of injustice.
This is very important and this is our message.
What does being nominated for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize mean to you? How has this experience affected your professional and personal life?
I can’t still believe it.
I am among 300 people
In the official list.
I was nominated by 4 organisations recognised by United nations.
Until now nothing changes.
I work
I write
I create bridges for peace and culture
I am really proud and grateful to the comitte that nominated me for such important prize.
Even if i don’t get the Nobel Peace prize
It is a nomination that i Will have for all life.
Which countries or cultures have influenced you the most during your literary journey, and how has that influence been reflected in your work?
I start write poetry for me and my father as i lost him in 2017 ..i believe that i can communicate with him.He was my best friend..
After i was writing all those poems i discovered that people from all over the world were sending messages and asking to publish their poetry or they requested to publish my poems as it happened with you my dear sister Taghrid BouMerhi and i am grateful for everything.
I know deep in my heart that i influence more people than you can imagine
Because now i see that a lot of Greeks poets they are published in foreign magazines and been translated
I see also my project about sharing poetry and translating others is used by several people in Albania, Pakistan, Nepal and India.
I meet people in social media that they do not write and after several months they start write Poems and been published.
I am a giver
I am a creator
And i am happy to see that i have people THey follow my idea and projects and they used it
My goal is to create a better peaceful world with our personal experience and traditions.
How have the awards and recognitions you received from different countries around the world contributed to the development of your literary and humanitarian career?
The Award don’t make me feel that i am someone exceptional.
On the contrary i received the awrds and recognitions because i am very creative person and i have very important projects and I invite all to be part in this project.
I was the first to create the
Anthologies with theme and inviting people to write about it.
I was the first to publish
Korea poets , Chinese poets, Israeli and Palestinian poets in a magazine
I was the first that starred creating magazines some cooperation we continue until now ..some others they just stopped.
The COVID after change a lot the people..
An artist will continue to create
I don’t look to be famous and i never used poets to become popular.
But i saw people do that i do not like
So i prefer to write my poems
If someone gives me a recognition
I will be grateful always.
But my goal wal always to create a peaceful world and through poetry we can understand…
We are all humans.

What role does your experience as an editor of several foreign magazines and online platforms play in enhancing your literary and cultural impact?
First i would like not to use the word editor, because i was always the mastermind in creating and making the connections with several people and countries.
I learn one thing
Respect and kindness are the keys.
I was communicating with people from several countries, with different opinions and culture.
We managed to communicate because i was always kind and respectful
I learn that we must not divide people..
We must unite them
Everyone matters
How do you evaluate the evolution of global literature through your work in editing foreign magazines? What literary trends have caught your attention lately?
I have cooperation with several countries. The feeling is the same.
We all feel lonely and we are dissapoiinted
We have different methods to express it but with words i discovered the one important thing..We all love Peace and happiness
We all looking for share our thoughts and touch hearts of people.
About editing magazines, it is not easy because we are all volunteers
We based in respect and we want to publish more voices that share positive thoughts.
All my work in literature is voluntary
And i need to have people who really cares and understand my Idea
We are creating electronic magazines that everyone can read and share with friends and family.
How do you manage to balance your roles as a writer, organizer of humanitarian projects, and editor of various magazines and platforms?
The past years I cooperate only with Vietnam, Bangladesh and Mexico for the magazines and books.
It’s not easy sometimes because due to different hours i don’t sleep for days.
I try to put all together the weekend because i have Also my private life and work in Greece.
The humanitarian project is within the literature. I am an author since 2006 and i always dedicated my stories to children in need.
I weite more than 20 books , i never get paid and i donate 3 of my books to association , to the family of Myrto and a book to a monastery because they help the orphans.
I am a free woman that writes and each time I reborn from my writing .
What criteria do you follow when selecting literary works to be published in the magazines you oversee?
The criteria are that we respect the religion and no racism or other negative verses. We don’t accept people that use poems with sexism or violent words.
How has your presence on online platforms impacted the expansion of your literary and humanitarian contributions globally?
I remember one lady from an association in India that she tells me
Dear Eva, I wake up every day and i follow your journey. You are everywhere!!!”
How do you handle the multiple responsibilities you carry as an editor of magazines, working on humanitarian projects, and communicating with poets worldwide?
With patience and understanding
I have an amazing team and we are all work together with respect.
It’s amazing and I am grateful to everyone
What advice would you give to young people who wish to use poetry and the arts as a means of social influence?
The young people
Stop using mobile phone
Start to read books, newspapers and classic ancient greek philosophy
Keep writing and have big dreams.
What are your future plans to expand the “Poetry Unites People” project and increase its positive impact globally?
Poetry unites people has already inspired many people in my country and to abroad. I wish to travel so i can create a festival to another country with the piets i cooperate with but i never really meet them in real life.
This is my dream
What is a question you wish you were asked but haven’t been? What would be your answer to it?
Why people they are stealing the ideas and the project of others?
Why people show double face and they are jealous??
I don’t really know….
But i tell them
Create your own project
A final word for your fans and readers.
Dream big
Poetry Unites people